January 11, 2014
Stanton A. Glantz, PhD
More evidence smokefree homes and outdoors help smokers quit
Rong Zablocki and colleagues recently published a nice paper that followed 1718 California smokers from 2009 to 2011 to see what effect smokefree homes and percieving laws requiring smokefree outdoors had on their smoking behavior.
Living in a smokefree home more than doubled the odds of smoking less (adjusted odds ratio 2.4) and making a quit attempt (AOR 2.3). Perceived smokefree outdoor policies nearly doubled the odds of smoking less (AOR 1.9) and making a quit attempt (AOR 1.8).
This paper adds to the growing evidence that smokefree policies not only protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke, but also help smokers quit.
The full paper, "Smoking ban policies and their influence on smoking behaviors among current California smokers: A population-based study," was published in Preventive Medicine and is available here.
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