July 9, 2014

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Shareable microsite to generate comments to the FDA deeming docket

Tobacco Free Kids has created a microsite --  http://regulateALLtobacco.org -- aimed at generating comments to the FDA deeming docket to counter the tens of thousands of comments being submitted by cigar lovers and vapers.   Their goal is to distribute the URL far and wide so groups can share with members, generate alerts, put in newsletters, etc.  While theoretically the comment process should be about quality not quantity, quantity does count.
The site includes background info, talking points, fact sheets on cigars and e-cigarettes, and sample comments for parents, health care providers, concerned citizens and public health advocates. There are several click-through opportunities to submit comments directly into the deeming docket at Regulations.gov, along with some basic instructions on how to fill out the comment form. 
The site is not branded with any logo (although it does state at the bottom that it was developed by CTFK so people know where it came from).  CTFK won’t capture any names or know who clicks through to take action.
The site has been tested in all major web browsers and has been designed to work on smartphones and tablets. 
Please share widely with your networks!

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