September 1, 2013
Stanton A. Glantz, PhD
Aggressive e-cigarette advertising promotes nicotine addiction
Two of the comments on the August 30 story, "E-Cigarette Makers’ Ads Echo Tobacco’s Heyday," in the New York Times should give pause to those in the public health community who are so convinced that heavy promotion of e-cigarettes will reduce the health toll of nicotine addiction:
As a smoker who is in the midst of yet another attempt to quit, I find these ads for electronic cigarettes disturbing in that they are glorifying smoking and making it look 'cool'. There is nothing 'cool' about addiction, especially not cigarettes. I have very few regrets in life, but the one big one I do have is that I ever started smoking. I have smoked for 37 years and can only imagine the health issues that are going to show up for me because of my addiction. If you've never smoked, PLEASE - do not start, even with these electronic cigarettes. It is just not worth it. This trying to quit is pure mental hell. (Patricia, 30 Aug 2013; 6:01 am)
I was the copywriter for Lucky Strike filters when the account was at the AC&R division of Bates. My glam-think commercials ( shot on location at spectacular Coe Hall, in the Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay, New York. ) were tasked to erase the image women had of Luckies being a macho tough guy brand without alienating the market base.
What's happening with electronic smokes is indeed the same old game. People smoke, not only for the nicotine fix, but for the cozy warm feel good glow a well constructed cigarette provides. Smoking is a fashion statement , a tactile experience and an expression of independence from convention.
It's foolish to think that electronic cigarettes will do anything but increase the number of people who smoke for real. They are silly little toys that make their users look like losers. (Stig, 30 Aug 2013; 8:01 am)
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