As part of its outreach efforts, the CTCRE provides free online resources to health professional students, clinicians, UCSF faculty members and other members of the health care community. These resources include practical, evidence-based tools to promote smoking cessation in the community. They are geared to health care professionals and others working on the front lines of intervention. The tools address intervention in various medical and psychiatric fields and include links to other comprehensive resources for both professionals and their patients.
CTCRE faculty members provide consultation and oversee tobacco-related content in the UCSF School of Medicine curriculum across all 4 years of training. Activities include reviewing and providing evidence-based content; teaching and mentoring of medical students; developing interactive online learning modules for furthering clinical knowledge in the treatment of tobacco dependence; and assisting with evaluations.
Rx for Change
Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation is a comprehensive, turn-key, tobacco cessation training program that equips health professional students and licensed clinicians with state-of-the-art knowledge and skills for assisting patients with quitting. The program is based on principles set forth in the U.S. Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. The Rx for Change materials can be used in the classroom, for students in the health professions, or as training for licensed clinicians. Currently, the following versions are available: (1) the 5 A’s, (2) Ask-Advise-Refer, (3) Psychiatry, (4) Cancer Care Providers, (5) Cardiology Care Providers, (6) Mental Health Peer Counselors, and (7) Surgical Providers. The materials are openly shared with others at no cost for non-commercial teaching and research purposes.
UCSF Online Tobacco Repository
The UCSF Online Tobacco Repository is a one-stop, coordinating site that houses all of the UCSF School of Medicine tobacco-related content and connects UCSF students, clinicians, and teaching faculty with the UCSF tobacco control research community. The site provides links to tobacco-related individual learning modules (ILMs) and referral resources for helping patients quit smoking. The UCSF Interactive Tobacco and Surgery Video Cases is an interactive online video archive of clinical case examples with assessment items for testing students'/clinicians' skills for treating tobacco dependence.
Smoking Cessation Leadership Center
The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) works with clinical professional groups at the national level to influence their willingness to become tobacco use interventionists. It leads groups through a simple process of establishing a baseline, a target, an action plan and an impact measurement plan to enable them to help more smokers quit.