
Public Information

The Center offers a wide range of Public Information Resources to the public, the media, and public policy makers on topics ranging from nicotine addiction to secondhand smoke to access to tobacco industry documents. This information comes from research done at UCSF and throughout the world. View details or see links below.

Stop Smoking

UCSF faculty offer a wide range of services to help people break their nicotine addiction. There are a variety of smoking cessation programs offered for the general public as well as people hospitalized at UCSF. There are also resources available to everyone via the web. The UCSF Smoking Cessation Leadership Center conducts research and facilitates policy changes that will engage more health care professionals in making smoking cessation available to everyone. View details or see links below.

Participate in Research

UCSF is conducting important research on how to treat tobacco addiction, the effects of secondhand smoke, and other tobacco-related topics. This page provides information about these projects and information on how you can get involved. See all details at the Participate in Research page.

For Health Care Professionals

Free online resources to health professional students, clinicians, UCSF faculty members and other members of the health care community. View details or see links below.

Beyond UCSF

Useful resources on smoking, secondhand smoke and tobacco control from outside UCSF. See all links at the Beyond UCSF page.