New Smokefree Movies ad names names of who’s accountable for exposing kids to smoking in movies

Our next Smokefree Movies ad that is running May 6 in The Hollywood Reporter and May 12 in Variety lists some of the most bankable names in Hollywood, along with prominent producers and directors, who are responsible for the most smoking in movies.
You can see the ad on the new Smokefree Movies web site here.
Go to to run these rankings by Hollywood role, time-period and film rating. The database includes every top-grossing film released 2002-now, and thousands of names of people and the companies involved. The names are captured directly from the Who’s Accountable displays on the SFM web site that are updated every week based on new movie data collected by our partners at Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!
The numbers in the ad are important. They show that kid-rated movies with smoking released after the US film industry was briefed about the harm they do, in 2003, have recruited three million kids to smoke, of whom a million will eventually die from tobacco-induced diseases.
The good news, says the US CDC, is that if the film industry adopts a voluntary R-rating for smoking now, it will prevent another million unnecessary tobacco deaths in this generation of kids.
Smoking in movies doesn’t “just happen.” It takes deliberate decisions by studios, producers, directors, writers, editors and actors to put it on screen. Why?

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