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Effect of Tobacco Advocacy at the State Level

Research Fields: 
Policy and Politics

Most effective tobacco control policy in the United States has been enacted at the local and, more recently, state level. This project uses case study methods to research  how the tobacco industry and tobacco control professionals influence state and local policy making to develop knowledge that will lead to more effective tobacco control policies and strategies, while taking into account the major changes and uncertainties in the tobacco control policy environment that continue to occur: Specifically, the project

  1. Documents and analyzes variations in tobacco control policy making and program implementation across a variety of states with varying levels of success at developing and implementing tobacco control programs, to serve as the basis for recommendations to create the most effective and efficient tobacco control strategies and policies.
  2. Identifies and describes new and evolving tobacco industry strategies for using third party allies to oppose or weaken tobacco control policies.
  3. Continues our comparative analysis of the effectiveness of tobacco control strategies in different legal and financial contexts, to identify the most cost-effective strategies
  4. Develops quantitative estimates of the effects of tobacco control programs on smoking, disease and health care costs.

Click here for a list of state reports available for free download.