John Balmes, MD

+1 628 206-8314

Dr. Balmes received his MD degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1976. After internal medicine training at Mount Sinai and pulmonary subspecialty, occupational medicine, and research training at Yale, he joined the faculty of USC in 1982. He joined the faculty at UCSF in 1986 and is currently Professor in the Divisions of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG). His major academic activities include several collaborative epidemiological research projects, various advisory and editorial committees, Director of the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, Director of the Northern California Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (a consortium of programs at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UCSF). Since 2008 he has been the Physician Member of the California Air Resources Board.

Until 2015, Dr. Balmes was the Director of the UCSF Human Exposure Laboratory (HEL). The HEL was the first group to demonstrate a) histological evidence of ozone-induced airway injury and inflammation in human subjects, b) that asthmatic subjects have greater inflammatory responses to ozone than normal subjects, c) that ozone-induced inflammatory responses in normal subjects attenuate with short-term exposures on consecutive days in the lung, and d) that asthmatic subjects recruit macrophages to the airways with consecutive day exposures. The HEL also studied the relationship of acute airway inflammatory responses to acute cardiovascular responses after both ozone and secondhand tobacco smoke.

Dr. Balmes is also collaborating on several epidemiological projects that are run out of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health where he is a Professor of Environmental Health Sciences. One such project is called the Children’s Health and Air Pollution Study (CHAPS). The overall specific goal of CHAPS is to assess the impact of air pollution on the health of children living in Fresno, including adverse effects on immune and metabolic function that may increase the risk of asthma onset/exacerbation, obesity, glucose dysregulation, and hypertension. A second project involves study of the effects of biomass smoke exposure on chronic respiratory health of children and adults in rural Guatemala, Malawi, Nepal, and Rwanda. A third line of research involves the effects of arsenic in drinking water on lung health in both Bangladesh and Chile. Yet another project involves the effect of chronic exposure to pesticides among a birth cohort of Mexican-American children in Salinas.


Tiny Particles, Big Health Impacts.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR, Hansel NN

Examining air pollution exposure dynamics in disadvantaged communities through high-resolution mapping.

Science advances

Su JG, Aslebagh S, Vuong V, Shahriary E, Yakutis E, Sage E, Haile R, Balmes J, Jerrett M, Barrett M

Fine-Scale Neighborhood Air Pollution Mapping: A First Step Towards Decoding Racial Asthma Disparities.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Thakur N, Balmes JR

Long-term air pollution exposure and the risk of primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation.

The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation

Koyama T, Zhao Z, Balmes JR, Calfee CS, Matthay MA, Reilly JP, Porteous MK, Diamond JM, Christie JD, Cantu E, Ware LB, Lung Transplant Outcomes Group

Wildfires and Human Health.


Fadadu RP, Solomon G, Balmes JR

Health effects of air pollution on respiratory symptoms: A longitudinal study using digital health sensors.

Environment international

Su JG, Vuong V, Shahriary E, Aslebagh S, Yakutis E, Sage E, Haile R, Balmes J, Barrett M

Household Air Pollution Interventions to Improve Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Lai PS, Lam NL, Gallery B, Lee AG, Adair-Rohani H, Alexander D, Balakrishnan K, Bisaga I, Chafe ZA, Clasen T, Díaz-Artiga A, Grieshop A, Harrison K, Hartinger SM, Jack D, Kaali S, Lydston M, Mortimer KM, Nicolaou L, Obonyo E, Okello G, Olopade C, Pillarisetti A, Pinto AN, Rosenthal JP, Schluger N, Shi X, Thompson C, Thompson LM, Volckens J, Williams KN, Balmes J, Checkley W, Ozoh OB

Indoor Air Sources of Outdoor Air Pollution: Health Consequences, Policy, and Recommendations: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Nassikas NJ, McCormack MC, Ewart G, Balmes JR, Bond TC, Brigham E, Cromar K, Goldstein AH, Hicks A, Hopke PK, Meyer B, Nazaroff WW, Paulin LM, Rice MB, Thurston GD, Turpin BJ, Vance ME, Weschler CJ, Zhang J, Kipen HM

Diesel exhaust and respiratory dust exposure in miners and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality in DEMS II.

Environment international

Neophytou AM, Ferguson JM, Costello S, Picciotto S, Balmes JR, Koutros S, Silverman DT, Eisen EA

Biomass smoke exposure and somatic growth among children: The RESPIRE and CRECER prospective cohort studies in rural Guatemala.

Environment international

Lu W, Jenny A, Romero C, Diaz-Artiga A, Kuster A, Canuz E, Pillarisetti A, McCracken JP, Huang W, Smith KR, Balmes J, Thompson LM

Increasing wildfire smoke from the climate crisis: Impacts on asthma and allergies.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Balmes JR, Holm SM

Impact of Global Climate Change on Pulmonary Health: Susceptible and Vulnerable Populations.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Bayram H, Rice MB, Abdalati W, Akpinar Elci M, Mirsaeidi M, Annesi-Maesano I, Pinkerton KE, Balmes JR

Exposure to ambient air pollutants and acute respiratory distress syndrome risk in sepsis.

Intensive care medicine

Reilly JP, Zhao Z, Shashaty MGS, Koyama T, Jones TK, Anderson BJ, Ittner CA, Dunn T, Miano TA, Oniyide O, Balmes JR, Matthay MA, Calfee CS, Christie JD, Meyer NJ, Ware LB

Cooking with Natural Gas: Just the Facts Please.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR, Holm SM, McCormack MC, Hansel NN, Gerald LB, Krishnan JA

Race and Ethnicity in Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation: An Official American Thoracic Society Statement.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Bhakta NR, Bime C, Kaminsky DA, McCormack MC, Thakur N, Stanojevic S, Baugh AD, Braun L, Lovinsky-Desir S, Adamson R, Witonsky J, Wise RA, Levy SD, Brown R, Forno E, Cohen RT, Johnson M, Balmes J, Mageto Y, Lee CT, Masekela R, Weiner DJ, Irvin CG, Swenson ER, Rosenfeld M, Schwartzstein RM, Agrawal A, Neptune E, Wisnivesky JP, Ortega VE, Burney P

Cognitive Development and Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure in the CHAMACOS Cohort.

Environmental health perspectives

Holm SM, Balmes JR, Gunier RB, Kogut K, Harley KG, Eskenazi B

Can Breathing Poor Quality Air Lead to Poor Quality Sleep in Children?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Associations between prenatal and early-life air pollution exposure and lung function in young children: Exploring influential windows of exposure on lung development.

Environmental research

Neophytou AM, Lutzker L, Good KM, Mann JK, Noth EM, Holm SM, Costello S, Tyner T, Nadeau KC, Eisen EA, Lurmann F, Hammond SK, Balmes JR

Tuberculosis Diagnoses Following Wildfire Smoke Exposure in California.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Linde LR, Readhead A, Barry PM, Balmes JR, Lewnard JA

Air Pollution and Atopic Dermatitis, from Molecular Mechanisms to Population-Level Evidence: A Review.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Fadadu RP, Abuabara K, Balmes JR, Hanifin JM, Wei ML

Biomass Smoke Exposure and Atopy among Young Children in the Western Highlands of Guatemala: A Prospective Cohort Study.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Lu W, Wang LA, Mann J, Jenny A, Romero C, Kuster A, Canuz E, Pillarisetti A, Smith KR, Balmes J, Thompson L

The Association between Ambient PM2.5 and Low Birth Weight in California.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Lee J, Costello S, Balmes JR, Holm SM

Post-TB lung disease in three African countries.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Binegdie AB, Brenac S, Devereux G, Meme H, El Sony A, Gebremariam TH, Osman R, Miheso B, Mungai B, Zurba L, Lesosky M, Balmes J, Burney PJ, Mortimer K

Worker Perspectives on COVID-19 Risks: A Qualitative Study of Latino Construction Workers in Oakland, California.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Meza E, Giglio L, Franco AO, Rodriguez E, Stock L, Balmes J, Torres JM, Fernandez A

Association between long-term exposure to particulate air pollution with SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 deaths in California, U.S.A.

Environmental advances

English PB, Von Behren J, Balmes JR, Boscardin J, Carpenter C, Goldberg DE, Horiuchi S, Richardson M, Solomon G, Valle J, Reynolds P

Effect of ozone on allergic airway inflammation.

The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. Global

Arjomandi M, Wong H, Tenney R, Holland N, Balmes JR

Global Health Impacts for Economic Models of Climate Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Cromar KR, Anenberg SC, Balmes JR, Fawcett AA, Ghazipura M, Gohlke JM, Hashizume M, Howard P, Lavigne E, Levy K, Madrigano J, Martinich JA, Mordecai EA, Rice MB, Saha S, Scovronick NC, Sekercioglu F, Svendsen ER, Zaitchik BF, Ewart G

Revisiting the Protective Value of Barrier Face Coverings After the COVID-19 Pandemic.

American Journal of Public Health

Witek TJ, Scott JA, Balmes JR

A Good Fit Versus One Size for All: Alternatives to Race in the Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Bhakta NR, Balmes JR

Increases in ambient air pollutants during pregnancy are linked to increases in methylation of IL4, IL10, and IFNγ.

Clinical epigenetics

Aguilera J, Han X, Cao S, Balmes J, Lurmann F, Tyner T, Lutzker L, Noth E, Hammond SK, Sampath V, Burt T, Utz PJ, Khatri P, Aghaeepour N, Maecker H, Prunicki M, Nadeau K

Household air pollution and COPD: cause and effect or confounding by other aspects of poverty?

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Mortimer K, Montes de Oca M, Salvi S, Balakrishnan K, Hadfield RM, Ramirez-Venegas A, Halpin DMG, Ozoh Obianuju B, Han MeiLan K, Perez Padilla R, Kirenga B, Balmes JR

Identifying impacts of air pollution on subacute asthma symptoms using digital medication sensors.

International journal of epidemiology

Su JG, Barrett MA, Combs V, Henderson K, Van Sickle D, Hogg C, Simrall G, Moyer SS, Tarini P, Wojcik O, Sublett J, Smith T, Renda AM, Balmes J, Gondalia R, Kaye L, Jerrett M

Long-term Exposure to Ozone and Small Airways, a Large Impact?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

The Air We Breathe: Respiratory Impact of Indoor Air Quality in COPD.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Mkorombindo T, Balmes JR, Custovic A, Dransfield MT

Chronic respiratory disease in adult outpatients in three African countries: a cross-sectional study.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Binegdie AB, Meme H, El Sony A, Haile T, Osman R, Miheso B, Zurba L, Lesosky M, Balmes J, Burney PJ, Mortimer K, Devereux G

Effects of short-term increases in personal and ambient pollutant concentrations on pulmonary and cardiovascular function: A panel study analysis of the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr subjects (MOSES 2).

Environmental research

Frampton MW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Thurston SW, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Koutrakis P, Thevenet-Morrison K, Rich DQ

No fire without smoke (particles).


Holm SM, Balmes J

Indoor Air Pollution and Susceptibility to Tuberculosis Infection in Urban Vietnamese Children.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Blount RJ, Phan H, Trinh T, Dang H, Merrifield C, Zavala M, Zabner J, Comellas AP, Stapleton EM, Segal MR, Balmes J, Nhung NV, Nahid P

Changing lung function and associated health-related quality-of-life: A five-year cohort study of Malawian adults.


Njoroge MW, Mjojo P, Chirwa C, Rylance S, Nightingale R, Gordon SB, Mortimer K, Burney P, Balmes J, Rylance J, Obasi A, Niessen LW, Devereux G, IMPALA consortium

Outdoor Air Pollution and Your Health.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Rice M, Balmes J, Malhotra A

Place Matters: Residential Racial Segregation and COPD.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Traffic-related air pollution, biomarkers of metabolic dysfunction, oxidative stress, and CC16 in children.

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

Zhang AL, Balmes JR, Lutzker L, Mann JK, Margolis HG, Tyner T, Holland N, Noth EM, Lurmann F, Hammond SK, Holm SM

Stress is in the Air: Ambient ROS and COVID-19.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Respiratory Impacts of Wildland Fire Smoke: Future Challenges and Policy Opportunities. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Rice MB, Henderson SB, Lambert AA, Cromar KR, Hall JA, Cascio WE, Smith PG, Marsh BJ, Coefield S, Balmes JR, Kamal A, Gilmour MI, Carlsten C, Navarro KM, Collman GW, Rappold A, Miller MD, Stone SL, Costa DL, American Thoracic Society Environmental Health Policy Committee and the American Thoracic Society As

Raising standards to lower diesel emissions.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Schwarzman M, Schildroth S, Bhetraratana M, Alvarado Á, Balmes J

Coccidioidomycosis and COVID-19 Co-Infection, United States, 2020.

Emerging infectious diseases

Heaney AK, Head JR, Broen K, Click K, Taylor J, Balmes JR, Zelner J, Remais JV

The clear and persistent impact of air pollution on chronic respiratory diseases: a call for interventions.

The European respiratory journal

Annesi-Maesano I, Forastiere F, Balmes J, Garcia E, Harkema J, Holgate S, Kelly F, Khreis H, Hoffmann B, Maesano CN, McConnell R, Peden D, Pinkerton K, Schikowski T, Thurston G, Van Winkle LS, Carlsten C

Diurnal variability of fine-particulate pollution concentrations: data from 14 low- and middle-income countries.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Cardiopulmonary Impact of Particulate Air Pollution in High-Risk Populations: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Newman JD, Bhatt DL, Rajagopalan S, Balmes JR, Brauer M, Breysse PN, Brown AGM, Carnethon MR, Cascio WE, Collman GW, Fine LJ, Hansel NN, Hernandez A, Hochman JS, Jerrett M, Joubert BR, Kaufman JD, Malik AO, Mensah GA, Newby DE, Peel JL, Siegel J, Siscovick D, Thompson BL, Zhang J, Brook RD

Wildland firefighter exposure to smoke and COVID-19: A new risk on the fire line.

The Science of the total environment

Navarro KM, Clark KA, Hardt DJ, Reid CE, Lahm PW, Domitrovich JW, Butler CR, Balmes JR

Short-term differences in cardiac function following controlled exposure to cookstove air pollution: The subclinical tests on volunteers exposed to smoke (STOVES) study.

Environment international

Cole-Hunter T, Dhingra R, Fedak KM, Good N, L'Orange C, Luckasen G, Mehaffy J, Walker E, Wilson A, Balmes J, Brook RD, Clark ML, Devlin RB, Volckens J, Peel JL

Differences in the Estimation of Wildfire-Associated Air Pollution by Satellite Mapping of Smoke Plumes and Ground-Level Monitoring.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Fadadu RP, Balmes JR, Holm SM

Guidance to Reduce the Cardiovascular Burden of Ambient Air Pollutants: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association.


Kaufman JD, Elkind MSV, Bhatnagar A, Koehler K, Balmes JR, Sidney S, Burroughs Peña MS, Dockery DW, Hou L, Brook RD, Laden F, Rajagopalan S, Bishop Kendrick K, Turner JR

Health effects of wildfire smoke in children and public health tools: a narrative review.

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

Holm SM, Miller MD, Balmes JR

The joint effect of ambient air pollution and agricultural pesticide exposures on lung function among children with asthma.

Environmental research

Benka-Coker W, Hoskovec L, Severson R, Balmes J, Wilson A, Magzamen S

Acute differences in blood lipids and inflammatory biomarkers following controlled exposures to cookstove air pollution in the STOVES study.

International journal of environmental health research

Walker ES, Fedak KM, Good N, Balmes J, Brook RD, Clark ML, Cole-Hunter T, Devlin RB, L'Orange C, Luckasen G, Mehaffy J, Shelton R, Wilson A, Volckens J, Peel JL

The Need for a Tighter Particulate-Matter Air-Quality Standard.

The New England journal of medicine

Frey HC, Adams PJ, Adgate JL, Allen GA, Balmes J, Boyle K, Chow JC, Dockery DW, Felton HD, Gordon T, Harkema JR, Kinney P, Kleinman MT, McConnell R, Poirot RL, Sarnat JA, Sheppard L, Turpin B, Wyzga R

Long-term ozone exposure is positively associated with telomere length in critically ill patients.

Environment international

Wang C, Wolters PJ, Calfee CS, Liu S, Balmes JR, Zhao Z, Koyama T, Ware LB

Does Ambient Ozone or Other Pollutants Modify Effects of Controlled Ozone Exposure on Pulmonary Function?

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Rich DQ, Thurston SW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Thevenet-Morrison K, Koutrakis P, Frampton MW

Pneumonia and Exposure to Household Air Pollution in Children Under the Age of 5 Years in Rural Malawi: Findings From the Cooking and Pneumonia Study.


Mortimer K, Lesosky M, Semple S, Malava J, Katundu C, Crampin A, Wang D, Weston W, Pope D, Havens D, Gordon SB, Balmes J

Acute changes in lung function following controlled exposure to cookstove air pollution in the subclinical tests of volunteers exposed to smoke (STOVES) study.

Inhalation toxicology

Fedak KM, Good N, Walker ES, Balmes J, Brook RD, Clark ML, Cole-Hunter T, Devlin R, L'Orange C, Luckasen G, Mehaffy J, Shelton R, Wilson A, Volckens J, Peel JL

Reply to: Are Electronic Cigarette Users at Risk for Lipid-Mediated Lung Injury?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Prospective cohort study of respiratory effects at ages 14 to 26 following early life exposure to arsenic in drinking water.

Environmental epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Khan MA, Hira-Smith M, Ahmed SI, Yunus M, Hasan SMT, Liaw J, Balmes J, Raqib R, Yuan Y, Kalman D, Roh T, Steinmaus C, Smith AH

Prenatal phthalate, paraben, and phenol exposure and childhood allergic and respiratory outcomes: Evaluating exposure to chemical mixtures.

The Science of the total environment

Berger K, Coker E, Rauch S, Eskenazi B, Balmes J, Kogut K, Holland N, Calafat AM, Harley K

Outdoor Air Pollution and New-Onset Airway Disease. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Garcia E, Gilliland FD, Rice MB, Schikowski T, Van Winkle LS, Annesi-Maesano I, Burchard EG, Carlsten C, Harkema JR, Khreis H, Kleeberger SR, Kodavanti UP, London SJ, McConnell R, Peden DB, Pinkerton KE, Reibman J, White CW

Cumulative Lifetime Burden of Cardiovascular Disease From Early Exposure to Air Pollution.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Kim JB, Prunicki M, Haddad F, Dant C, Sampath V, Patel R, Smith E, Akdis C, Balmes J, Snyder MP, Wu JC, Nadeau KC

The hazards of wildfire smoke exposure for children.

Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care

Hauptman M, Balmes JR, Miller MD

Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 2. Effects of Personal and Ambient Concentrations of Ozone and Other Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function.

Research report (Health Effects Institute)

Rich DQ, Frampton MW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Thurston SW, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Koutrakis P, Thevenet-Morrison K

Where There's Smoke, Kids Will Cough and Wheeze.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Balmes JR

Non-communicable respiratory disease and air pollution exposure in Malawi: a prospective cohort study.


Rylance S, Jewell C, Naunje A, Mbalume F, Chetwood JD, Nightingale R, Zurba L, Flitz G, Gordon SB, Lesosky M, Balmes JR, Mortimer K

Biomass Fuel Use and Cardiac Function in Nepali Women.

Global heart

Tiwana J, Benziger C, Hooper L, Pope K, Alurkar V, Kafle R, Sijali TR, Balmes JR, Kaufman JD, Bates MN

Air pollution interventions and respiratory health: a systematic review.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Saleh S, Shepherd W, Jewell C, Lam NL, Balmes J, Bates MN, Lai PS, Ochieng CA, Chinouya M, Mortimer K

Geospatial-temporal analysis of the impact of ozone on asthma rescue inhaler use.

Environment international

Pepper JR, Barrett MA, Su JG, Merchant R, Henderson K, Van Sickle D, Balmes JR

Health Benefits of Air Pollution Reduction.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Schraufnagel DE, Balmes JR, De Matteis S, Hoffman B, Kim WJ, Perez-Padilla R, Rice M, Sood A, Vanker A, Wuebbles DJ

Vaping-Induced Acute Lung Injury: An Epidemic That Could Have Been Prevented.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Ambient Air Pollution and Mortality in 652 Cities. Reply.

The New England journal of medicine

Balmes JR

Residential urban tree canopy is associated with decreased mortality during tuberculosis treatment in California.

The Science of the total environment

Blount RJ, Pascopella L, Barry P, Zabner J, Stapleton EM, Flood J, Balmes J, Nahid P, Catanzaro DG

Acute differences in pulse wave velocity, augmentation index, and central pulse pressure following controlled exposures to cookstove air pollution in the Subclinical Tests of Volunteers Exposed to Smoke (SToVES) study.

Environmental research

Walker ES, Fedak KM, Good N, Balmes J, Brook RD, Clark ML, Cole-Hunter T, Dinenno F, Devlin RB, L'Orange C, Luckasen G, Mehaffy J, Shelton R, Wilson A, Volckens J, Peel JL

Long-term Exposure to Ozone and Cardiopulmonary Mortality: Epidemiology Strikes Again.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Accelerated lung function decline in an aluminium manufacturing industry cohort exposed to PM2.5: an application of the parametric g-formula.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Neophytou AM, Costello S, Picciotto S, Noth EM, Liu S, Lutzker L, Balmes JR, Hammond K, Cullen MR, Eisen EA

Pneumoproteins are associated with pulmonary function in HIV-infected persons.

PloS one

Jeon D, Chang EG, McGing M, Hartman-Filson M, Sommers M, Lewis E, Balmes JR, Moisi D, Lederman MM, Madsen KA, Woodruff PG, Hunt PW, Huang L

Ozone effects on blood biomarkers of systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial function, and thrombosis: The Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES).

PloS one

Balmes JR, Arjomandi M, Bromberg PA, Costantini MG, Dagincourt N, Hazucha MJ, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Rich DQ, Stark P, Frampton MW

Incident command post exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulate matter during a wildfire.

Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene

Navarro KM, Cisneros R, Schweizer D, Chowdhary P, Noth EM, Balmes JR, Hammond SK

Lung health and exposure to air pollution in Malawian children (CAPS): a cross-sectional study.


Rylance S, Nightingale R, Naunje A, Mbalume F, Jewell C, Balmes JR, Grigg J, Mortimer K

Acute Effects on Blood Pressure Following Controlled Exposure to Cookstove Air Pollution in the STOVES Study.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Fedak KM, Good N, Walker ES, Balmes J, Brook RD, Clark ML, Cole-Hunter T, Devlin R, L'Orange C, Luckasen G, Mehaffy J, Shelton R, Wilson A, Volckens J, Peel JL

Ambient Air Pollution, Asthma Drug Response and Telomere Length in African American Youth.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Lee EY, Oh SS, White MJ, Eng CS, Elhawary JR, Borrell LN, Nuckton TJ, Zeiger AM, Keys KL, Mak ACY, Hu D, Huntsman S, Contreras MG, Samedy LA, Goddard PC, Salazar SL, Brigino-Buenaventura EN, Davis A, Meade KE, LeNoir MA, Lurmann FW, Burchard EG, Eisen EA, Balmes JR

In utero tobacco smoke exposure, DNA methylation, and asthma in Latino children.

Environmental epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Neophytou AM, Oh SS, Hu D, Huntsman S, Eng C, Rodríguez-Santana JR, Kumar R, Balmes JR, Eisen EA, Burchard EG

Household air pollution from domestic combustion of solid fuels and health.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Balmes JR

The Occupational Burden of Nonmalignant Respiratory Diseases. An Official American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society Statement.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Blanc PD, Annesi-Maesano I, Balmes JR, Cummings KJ, Fishwick D, Miedinger D, Murgia N, Naidoo RN, Reynolds CJ, Sigsgaard T, Torén K, Vinnikov D, Redlich CA

Machine-learned modeling of PM2.5 exposures in rural Lao PDR.

The Science of the total environment

Hill LD, Pillarisetti A, Delapena S, Garland C, Pennise D, Pelletreau A, Koetting P, Motmans T, Vongnakhone K, Khammavong C, Boatman MR, Balmes J, Hubbard A, Smith KR

Impact of Long-Term Exposures to Ambient PM2.5 and Ozone on ARDS Risk for Older Adults in the United States.


Rhee J, Dominici F, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Wang Y, Di Q, Balmes J, Christiani DC

Wildland firefighter smoke exposure and risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality.

Environmental research

Navarro KM, Kleinman MT, Mackay CE, Reinhardt TE, Balmes JR, Broyles GA, Ottmar RD, Naher LP, Domitrovich JW

Greening of the Heart and Mind.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Balmes JR

When the Fetus is Exposed to Smoke, the Developing Lung is Burned.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Non-Communicable Respiratory Disease and Air Pollution Exposure in Malawi (CAPS): A Cross-Sectional Study.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Nightingale R, Lesosky M, Flitz G, Rylance SJ, Meghji J, Burney P, Balmes J, Mortimer K

Healthy Air, Healthy Brains: Advancing Air Pollution Policy to Protect Children's Health.

American Journal of Public Health

Payne-Sturges DC, Marty MA, Perera F, Miller MD, Swanson M, Ellickson K, Cory-Slechta DA, Ritz B, Balmes J, Anderko L, Talbott EO, Gould R, Hertz-Picciotto I

Seeing the Wood for the Trees - Household Air Pollution and Lung Disease.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

van Zyl-Smit RN, Balmes JR

Monitoring and Modeling of Household Air Quality Related to Use of Different Cookfuels in Paraguay.

Indoor air

Tagle M, Pillarisetti A, Hernandez MT, Troncoso K, Soares A, Torres R, Galeano A, Oyola P, Balmes J, Smith KR

Wildfires Disaster Guidance: Tips for Staying Healthy during Wildfires.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Jamil S, Carlos WG, Leard L, Wang A, Santhosh L, Balmes J, Seam N, Dela Cruz CS

Low to Moderate Air Pollutant Exposure and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome after Severe Trauma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Reilly JP, Zhao Z, Shashaty MGS, Koyama T, Christie JD, Lanken PN, Wang C, Balmes JR, Matthay MA, Calfee CS, Ware LB

Prenatal exposure to air pollution, maternal diabetes and preterm birth.

Environmental research

Padula AM, Yang W, Lurmann FW, Balmes J, Hammond SK, Shaw GM

Night and rotational work exposure within the last 12 months and risk of incident hypertension.

Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health

Ferguson JM, Costello S, Neophytou AM, Balmes JR, Bradshaw PT, Cullen MR, Eisen EA

Prenatal high molecular weight phthalates and bisphenol A, and childhood respiratory and allergic outcomes.

Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

Berger K, Eskenazi B, Balmes J, Kogut K, Holland N, Calafat AM, Harley KG

Exposure to Household Air Pollution from Biomass Cookstoves and Levels of Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) among Honduran Women.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Benka-Coker ML, Clark ML, Rajkumar S, Young BN, Bachand AM, Balmes JR, Brook R, Nelson TL, Volckens J, Reynolds SJ, Wilson A, L'Orange C, Good N, Quinn C, Koehler K, Africano S, Osorto Pinel A, Peel JL

Air Pollution and Non-Communicable Diseases: A Review by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies' Environmental Committee, Part 1: The damaging effects of air pollution.


Schraufnagel DE, Balmes J, Cowl CT, De Matteis S, Jung SH, Mortimer K, Perez-Padilla R, Rice MB, Riojas-Rodroguez H, Sood A, Thurston GD, To T, Vanker A, Wuebbles DJ

Air Pollution and Non-Communicable Diseases: A review by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies' Environmental Committee. Part 2: Air pollution and organ systems.


Schraufnagel DE, Balmes J, Cowl CT, De Matteis S, Jung SH, Mortimer K, Perez-Padilla R, Rice MB, Riojas-Rodroguez H, Sood A, Thurston GD, To T, Vanker A, Wuebbles DJ

The Cooking and Pneumonia Study (CAPS) in Malawi: A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Carboxyhemoglobin Levels in Children under 5 Years Old.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Havens D, Wang D, Grigg J, Gordon SB, Balmes J, Mortimer K



Johannson KA, Vittinghoff E, Morisset J, Wolters PJ, Noth EM, Balmes JR, Collard HR

Cardiovascular function and ozone exposure: The Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES).

Environment international

Rich DQ, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Zareba W, Stark P, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Costantini MG, Ganz P, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Bromberg PA

Secondhand smoke exposure and asthma outcomes among African-American and Latino children with asthma.


Neophytou AM, Oh SS, White MJ, Mak ACY, Hu D, Huntsman S, Eng C, Serebrisky D, Borrell LN, Farber HJ, Meade K, Davis A, Avila PC, Thyne SM, Rodríguez-Cintrón W, Rodríguez-Santana JR, Kumar R, Brigino-Buenaventura E, Sen S, Lenoir MA, Williams LK, Benowitz NL, Balmes JR, Eisen EA, Burchard EG

Comparison of motorcycle taxi driver's respiratory health using an air quality standard for carbon monoxide in ambient air: a pilot survey in Benin.

The Pan African medical journal

Lawin H, Fanou LA, Kpangon AA, Hinson AV, Balmes J, Wanjiku J, Ale BM, Fayomi B

Influence of school environments on childhood obesity in California.

Environmental research

Ortega Hinojosa AM, MacLeod KE, Balmes J, Jerrett M

Respiratory Responses to Ozone Exposure: The Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES).

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Arjomandi M, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Bromberg P, Rich DQ, Stark P, Alexis NE, Costantini M, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Hazucha MJ

Lung cancer mortality and exposure to synthetic metalworking fluid and biocides: controlling for the healthy worker survivor effect.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Garcia E, Picciotto S, Neophytou AM, Bradshaw PT, Balmes JR, Eisen EA

Use of cleaner-burning biomass stoves and airway macrophage black carbon in Malawian women.

The Science of the total environment

Whitehouse AL, Miyashita L, Liu NM, Lesosky M, Flitz G, Ndamala C, Balmes JR, Gordon SB, Mortimer K, Grigg J

Household Air Pollution and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. "A Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma".

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR, Eisen EA

Residential proximity to agricultural fumigant use and respiratory health in 7-year old children.

Environmental research

Gunier RB, Raanan R, Castorina R, Holland NT, Harley KG, Balmes JR, Fouquette L, Eskenazi B, Bradman A

Optimizing community-level surveillance data for pediatric asthma management.

Preventive medicine reports

Benka-Coker WO, Gale SL, Brandt SJ, Balmes JR, Magzamen S

Where There's Wildfire, There's Smoke.

The New England journal of medicine

Balmes JR

Exposure to NO2, CO, and PM2.5 is linked to regional DNA methylation differences in asthma.

Clinical epigenetics

Prunicki M, Stell L, Dinakarpandian D, de Planell-Saguer M, Lucas RW, Hammond SK, Balmes JR, Zhou X, Paglino T, Sabatti C, Miller RL, Nadeau KC

ERS/ATS workshop report on respiratory health effects of household air pollution.

The European respiratory journal

Sood A, Assad NA, Barnes PJ, Churg A, Gordon SB, Harrod KS, Irshad H, Kurmi OP, Martin WJ, Meek P, Mortimer K, Noonan CW, Perez-Padilla R, Smith KR, Tesfaigzi Y, Ward T, Balmes J

EPA's New Ozone Air Quality Standard: Why Should We Care?

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Balmes JR

Environmental Effects of Intensive Livestock Farming.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Sigsgaard T, Balmes J

In control of ambient and household air pollution - how low should we go?

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Gordon S, Mortimer K, Grigg J, Balmes J

Traffic-Related Air Pollution and All-Cause Mortality during Tuberculosis Treatment in California.

Environmental health perspectives

Blount RJ, Pascopella L, Catanzaro DG, Barry PM, English PB, Segal MR, Flood J, Meltzer D, Jones B, Balmes J, Nahid P

Elemental Sulfur Use and Associations with Pediatric Lung Function and Respiratory Symptoms in an Agricultural Community (California, USA).

Environmental health perspectives

Raanan R, Gunier RB, Balmes JR, Beltran AJ, Harley KG, Bradman A, Eskenazi B

The impact of BMI on non-malignant respiratory symptoms and lung function in arsenic exposed adults of Northern Chile.

Environmental research

Nardone A, Ferreccio C, Acevedo J, Enanoria W, Blair A, Smith AH, Balmes J, Steinmaus C

Effects of clinical and environmental factors on bronchoalveolar antibody responses to Pneumocystis jirovecii: A prospective cohort study of HIV+ patients.

PloS one

Blount RJ, Daly KR, Fong S, Chang E, Grieco K, Greene M, Stone S, Balmes J, Miller RF, Walzer PD, Huang L

Home monitoring improves endpoint efficiency in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

The European respiratory journal

Johannson KA, Vittinghoff E, Morisset J, Lee JS, Balmes JR, Collard HR

The Effects of Bit Wear on Respirable Silica Dust, Noise and Productivity: A Hammer Drill Bench Study.

Annals of work exposures and health

Carty P, Cooper MR, Barr A, Neitzel RL, Balmes J, Rempel D

We Need to "Think Different" about Particulate Matter.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Thurston G, Balmes J

Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 1. Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Ozone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes.

Research report (Health Effects Institute)

Frampton MW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Stark P, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Rich DQ, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Alexis N, Ganz P, Zareba W, Costantini MG

Occupational Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon of Wildland Firefighters at Prescribed and Wildland Fires.

Environmental science & technology

Navarro KM, Cisneros R, Noth EM, Balmes JR, Hammond SK

AJRCCM: 100-Year Anniversary. Clearing the Air: Indoors, Outdoors, and At Work.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

An American Thoracic Society/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop Report: Addressing Respiratory Health Equality in the United States.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Celedón JC, Burchard EG, Schraufnagel D, Castillo-Salgado C, Schenker M, Balmes J, Neptune E, Cummings KJ, Holguin F, Riekert KA, Wisnivesky JP, Garcia JGN, Roman J, Kittles R, Ortega VE, Redline S, Mathias R, Thomas A, Samet J, Ford JG

Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Telomere Length in Children and Adolescents Living in Fresno, CA: A Pilot Study.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Lee EY, Lin J, Noth EM, Hammond SK, Nadeau KC, Eisen EA, Balmes JR

Exhaled carbon monoxide: a non-invasive biomarker of short-term exposure to outdoor air pollution.

BMC public health

Lawin H, Ayi Fanou L, Hinson V, Wanjiku J, Ukwaja NK, Gordon SB, Fayomi B, Balmes JR, Houngbegnon P, Avokpaho E, Sanni A

Environment, Global Climate Change, and Cardiopulmonary Health.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Bayram H, Bauer AK, Abdalati W, Carlsten C, Pinkerton KE, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Takaro TK

Air pollution, neighborhood acculturation factors, and neural tube defects among Hispanic women in California.

Birth defects research

Padula AM, Yang W, Carmichael SL, Lurmann F, Balmes J, Hammond SK, Shaw GM

A joint ERS/ATS policy statement: what constitutes an adverse health effect of air pollution? An analytical framework.

The European respiratory journal

Thurston GD, Kipen H, Annesi-Maesano I, Balmes J, Brook RD, Cromar K, De Matteis S, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Frampton MW, Grigg J, Heederik D, Kelly FJ, Kuenzli N, Laumbach R, Peters A, Rajagopalan ST, Rich D, Ritz B, Samet JM, Sandstrom T, Sigsgaard T, Sunyer J, Brunekreef B

A cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstove intervention to prevent pneumonia in children under 5 years old in rural Malawi (the Cooking and Pneumonia Study): a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Lancet (London, England)

Mortimer K, Ndamala CB, Naunje AW, Malava J, Katundu C, Weston W, Havens D, Pope D, Bruce NG, Nyirenda M, Wang D, Crampin A, Grigg J, Balmes J, Gordon SB

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: 50 Years of Advancing Science and Improving Lung Health.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Antony VB, Redlich CA, Pinkerton KE, Balmes J, Harkema JR

Outdoor Air Pollution and Your Health.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Rice M, Balmes J, Malhotra A

Air-Quality Impacts and Intake Fraction of PM2.5 during the 2013 Rim Megafire.

Environmental science & technology

Navarro KM, Cisneros R, O'Neill SM, Schweizer D, Larkin NK, Balmes JR

High risks of lung disease associated with early-life and moderate lifetime arsenic exposure in northern Chile.

Toxicology and applied pharmacology

Steinmaus C, Ferreccio C, Acevedo J, Balmes JR, Liaw J, Troncoso P, Dauphiné DC, Nardone A, Smith AH

Survey of International Members of the American Thoracic Society on Climate Change and Health.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Sarfaty M, Kreslake J, Ewart G, Guidotti TL, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Maibach EW

The last Summer Olympics? Climate change, health, and work outdoors.

Lancet (London, England)

Smith KR, Woodward A, Lemke B, Otto M, Chang CJ, Mance AA, Balmes J, Kjellstrom T

Differential respiratory health effects from the 2008 northern California wildfires: A spatiotemporal approach.

Environmental research

Reid CE, Jerrett M, Tager IB, Petersen ML, Mann JK, Balmes JR

Early-life ozone exposure associated with asthma without sensitization in Latino children.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Nishimura KK, Iwanaga K, Oh SS, Pino-Yanes M, Eng C, Keswani A, Roth LA, Nguyen EA, Thyne SM, Farber HJ, Serebrisky D, Meade K, LeNoir MA, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Borrell LN, Bibbins-Domingo K, Lurmann F, Sen S, Rodriguez-Santana JR, Brigino-Buenaventura E, Avila PC, Balmes JR, Kumar R, Burchard EG

Air Pollution and Lung Function in Minority Youth with Asthma in the GALA II (Genes-Environments and Admixture in Latino Americans) and SAGE II (Study of African Americans, Asthma, Genes, and Environments) Studies.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Neophytou AM, White MJ, Oh SS, Thakur N, Galanter JM, Nishimura KK, Pino-Yanes M, Torgerson DG, Gignoux CR, Eng C, Nguyen EA, Hu D, Mak AC, Kumar R, Seibold MA, Davis A, Farber HJ, Meade K, Avila PC, Serebrisky D, Lenoir MA, Brigino-Buenaventura E, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Bibbins-Domingo K, Thyne SM, Williams LK, Sen S, Gilliland FD, Gauderman WJ, Rodriguez-Santana JR, Lurmann F, Balmes JR, Eisen EA, Burchard EG

Long-Term Ozone Exposure Increases the Risk of Developing the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Ware LB, Zhao Z, Koyama T, May AK, Matthay MA, Lurmann FW, Balmes JR, Calfee CS

Critical Review of Health Impacts of Wildfire Smoke Exposure.

Environmental health perspectives

Reid CE, Brauer M, Johnston FH, Jerrett M, Balmes JR, Elliott CT

Lung function in woodsmoke-exposed Guatemalan children following a chimney stove intervention.


Heinzerling AP, Guarnieri MJ, Mann JK, Diaz JV, Thompson LM, Diaz A, Bruce NG, Smith KR, Balmes JR

Decreased lung function in 7-year-old children with early-life organophosphate exposure.


Raanan R, Balmes JR, Harley KG, Gunier RB, Magzamen S, Bradman A, Eskenazi B

Exposure to Endotoxin in Household Dust. To Wheeze or Not to Wheeze.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Inflammatory and repair pathways induced in human bronchoalveolar lavage cells with ozone inhalation.

PloS one

Leroy P, Tham A, Wong H, Tenney R, Chen C, Stiner R, Balmes JR, Paquet AC, Arjomandi M

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease secondary to household air pollution.

Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine

Assad NA, Balmes J, Mehta S, Cheema U, Sood A

Exposure to medium and high ambient levels of ozone causes adverse systemic inflammatory and cardiac autonomic effects.

American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology

Arjomandi M, Wong H, Donde A, Frelinger J, Dalton S, Ching W, Power K, Balmes JR

Spatiotemporal prediction of fine particulate matter during the 2008 northern California wildfires using machine learning.

Environmental science & technology

Reid CE, Jerrett M, Petersen ML, Pfister GG, Morefield PE, Tager IB, Raffuse SM, Balmes JR

American Thoracic Society member survey on climate change and health.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society

Sarfaty M, Bloodhart B, Ewart G, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Guidotti TL, Maibach EW

Cardiovascular risk and events and country income stratum.

The New England journal of medicine

Smith KR, Balmes JR, Guarnieri MJ

Childhood exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is linked to epigenetic modifications and impaired systemic immunity in T cells.

Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Hew KM, Walker AI, Kohli A, Garcia M, Syed A, McDonald-Hyman C, Noth EM, Mann JK, Pratt B, Balmes J, Hammond SK, Eisen EA, Nadeau KC

Ozone inhalation leads to a dose-dependent increase of cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes.

Environmental and molecular mutagenesis

Holland N, Davé V, Venkat S, Wong H, Donde A, Balmes JR, Arjomandi M

An official American Thoracic Society statement: diagnosis and management of beryllium sensitivity and chronic beryllium disease.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR, Abraham JL, Dweik RA, Fireman E, Fontenot AP, Maier LA, Muller-Quernheim J, Ostiguy G, Pepper LD, Saltini C, Schuler CR, Takaro TK, Wambach PF

Early-life exposure to organophosphate pesticides and pediatric respiratory symptoms in the CHAMACOS cohort.

Environmental health perspectives

Raanan R, Harley KG, Balmes JR, Bradman A, Lipsett M, Eskenazi B

Elevated lung cancer in younger adults and low concentrations of arsenic in water.

American journal of epidemiology

Steinmaus C, Ferreccio C, Yuan Y, Acevedo J, González F, Perez L, Cortés S, Balmes JR, Liaw J, Smith AH

Genetic modification of the effect of maternal household air pollution exposure on birth weight in Guatemalan newborns.

Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)

Thompson LM, Yousefi P, Peñaloza R, Balmes J, Holland N

Developing small-area predictions for smoking and obesity prevalence in the United States for use in Environmental Public Health Tracking.

Environmental research

Ortega Hinojosa AM, Davies MM, Jarjour S, Burnett RT, Mann JK, Hughes E, Balmes JR, Turner MC, Jerrett M

Respiratory risks from household air pollution in low and middle income countries.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Gordon SB, Bruce NG, Grigg J, Hibberd PL, Kurmi OP, Lam KB, Mortimer K, Asante KP, Balakrishnan K, Balmes J, Bar-Zeev N, Bates MN, Breysse PN, Buist S, Chen Z, Havens D, Jack D, Jindal S, Kan H, Mehta S, Moschovis P, Naeher L, Patel A, Perez-Padilla R, Pope D, Rylance J, Semple S, Martin WJ

Reply: the largest problem with climate change policy is not a future event.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Rice MB, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Pinkerton KE

Ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pulmonary function in children.

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

Padula AM, Balmes JR, Eisen EA, Mann J, Noth EM, Lurmann FW, Pratt B, Tager IB, Nadeau K, Hammond SK

Perfluoroalkyl chemicals and asthma among children 12-19 years of age: NHANES (1999-2008).

Environmental health perspectives

Humblet O, Diaz-Ramirez LG, Balmes JR, Pinney SM, Hiatt RA

Outdoor air pollution and asthma.

Lancet (London, England)

Guarnieri M, Balmes JR

Effects of woodsmoke exposure on airway inflammation in rural Guatemalan women.

PloS one

Guarnieri MJ, Diaz JV, Basu C, Diaz A, Pope D, Smith KR, Smith-Sivertsen T, Bruce N, Solomon C, McCracken J, Balmes JR

Climate change. A global threat to cardiopulmonary health.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Rice MB, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Pinkerton KE

An integrated risk function for estimating the global burden of disease attributable to ambient fine particulate matter exposure.

Environmental health perspectives

Burnett RT, Pope CA, Ezzati M, Olives C, Lim SS, Mehta S, Shin HH, Singh G, Hubbell B, Brauer M, Anderson HR, Smith KR, Balmes JR, Bruce NG, Kan H, Laden F, Prüss-Ustün A, Turner MC, Gapstur SM, Diver WR, Cohen A

Millions dead: how do we know and what does it mean? Methods used in the comparative risk assessment of household air pollution.

Annual review of public health

Smith KR, Bruce N, Balakrishnan K, Adair-Rohani H, Balmes J, Chafe Z, Dherani M, Hosgood HD, Mehta S, Pope D, Rehfuess E

Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis associated with air pollution exposure.

The European respiratory journal

Johannson KA, Vittinghoff E, Lee K, Balmes JR, Ji W, Kaplan GG, Kim DS, Collard HR

Social isolation: a predictor of mortality comparable to traditional clinical risk factors.

American journal of public health

Pantell M, Rehkopf D, Jutte D, Syme SL, Balmes J, Adler N

Case-control study of arsenic in drinking water and lung cancer in California and Nevada.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Dauphiné DC, Smith AH, Yuan Y, Balmes JR, Bates MN, Steinmaus C

Chronic respiratory symptoms in children following in utero and early life exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Bangladesh.

International journal of epidemiology

Smith AH, Yunus M, Khan AF, Ercumen A, Yuan Y, Smith MH, Liaw J, Balmes J, von Ehrenstein O, Raqib R, Kalman D, Alam DS, Streatfield PK, Steinmaus C

Climate change and respiratory health: current evidence and knowledge gaps.

Expert review of respiratory medicine

Takaro TK, Knowlton K, Balmes JR

Early-life air pollution and asthma risk in minority children. The GALA II and SAGE II studies.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Nishimura KK, Galanter JM, Roth LA, Oh SS, Thakur N, Nguyen EA, Thyne S, Farber HJ, Serebrisky D, Kumar R, Brigino-Buenaventura E, Davis A, LeNoir MA, Meade K, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Avila PC, Borrell LN, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rodriguez-Santana JR, Sen S, Lurmann F, Balmes JR, Burchard EG

Asbestos and lung cancer: what we know.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Thirdhand cigarette smoke in an experimental chamber: evidence of surface deposition of nicotine, nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and de novo formation of NNK.

Tobacco control

Schick SF, Farraro KF, Perrino C, Sleiman M, van de Vossenberg G, Trinh MP, Hammond SK, Jenkins BM, Balmes J

Associations of ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure with self-reported asthma and asthma symptoms.

Environmental research

Bates MN, Garrett N, Crane J, Balmes JR

Household air pollution: a call for studies into biomarkers of exposure and predictors of respiratory disease.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Rylance J, Gordon SB, Naeher LP, Patel A, Balmes JR, Adetona O, Rogalsky DK, Martin WJ

Higher environmental relative moldiness index values measured in homes of adults with asthma, rhinitis, or both conditions.

Environmental research

Blanc PD, Quinlan PJ, Katz PP, Balmes JR, Trupin L, Cisternas MG, Wymer L, Vesper SJ

Cyclist route choice, traffic-related air pollution, and lung function: a scripted exposure study.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Jarjour S, Jerrett M, Westerdahl D, de Nazelle A, Hanning C, Daly L, Lipsitt J, Balmes J

Drinking water arsenic in northern chile: high cancer risks 40 years after exposure cessation.

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Steinmaus CM, Ferreccio C, Romo JA, Yuan Y, Cortes S, Marshall G, Moore LE, Balmes JR, Liaw J, Golden T, Smith AH

Thirty minute-exposure to aged cigarette smoke increases nasal congestion in nonsmokers.

Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A

Schick SF, van den Vossenberg G, Luo A, Whitlatch A, Jacob P, Balmes J, Shusterman D

A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.

Lancet (London, England)

Lim SS, Vos T, Flaxman AD, Danaei G, Shibuya K, Adair-Rohani H, Amann M, Anderson HR, Andrews KG, Aryee M, Atkinson C, Bacchus LJ, Bahalim AN, Balakrishnan K, Balmes J, Barker-Collo S, Baxter A, Bell ML, Blore JD, Blyth F, Bonner C, Borges G, Bourne R, Boussinesq M, Brauer M, Brooks P, Bruce NG, Brunekreef B, Bryan-Hancock C, Bucello C, Buchbinder R, Bull F, Burnett RT, Byers TE, Calabria B, Carapetis J, Carnahan E, Chafe Z, Charlson F, Chen H, Chen JS, Cheng AT, Child JC, Cohen A, Colson KE, Cowie BC, Darby S, Darling S, Davis A, Degenhardt L, Dentener F, Des Jarlais DC, Devries K, Dherani M, Ding EL, Dorsey ER, Driscoll T, Edmond K, Ali SE, Engell RE, Erwin PJ, Fahimi S, Falder G, Farzadfar F, Ferrari A, Finucane MM, Flaxman S, Fowkes FG, Freedman G, Freeman MK, Gakidou E, Ghosh S, Giovannucci E, Gmel G, Graham K, Grainger R, Grant B, Gunnell D, Gutierrez HR, Hall W, Hoek HW, Hogan A, Hosgood HD, Hoy D, Hu H, Hubbell BJ, Hutchings SJ, Ibeanusi SE, Jacklyn GL, Jasrasaria R, Jonas JB, Kan H, Kanis JA, Kassebaum N, Kawakami N, Khang YH, Khatibzadeh S, Khoo JP, Kok C, Laden F, Lalloo R, Lan Q, Lathlean T, Leasher JL, Leigh J, Li Y, Lin JK, Lipshultz SE, London S, Lozano R, Lu Y, Mak J, Malekzadeh R, Mallinger L, Marcenes W, March L, Marks R, Martin R, McGale P, McGrath J, Mehta S, Mensah GA, Merriman TR, Micha R, Michaud C, Mishra V, Mohd Hanafiah K, Mokdad AA, Morawska L, Mozaffarian D, Murphy T, Naghavi M, Neal B, Nelson PK, Nolla JM, Norman R, Olives C, Omer SB, Orchard J, Osborne R, Ostro B, Page A, Pandey KD, Parry CD, Passmore E, Patra J, Pearce N, Pelizzari PM, Petzold M, Phillips MR, Pope D, Pope CA, Powles J, Rao M, Razavi H, Rehfuess EA, Rehm JT, Ritz B, Rivara FP, Roberts T, Robinson C, Rodriguez-Portales JA, Romieu I, Room R, Rosenfeld LC, Roy A, Rushton L, Salomon JA, Sampson U, Sanchez-Riera L, Sanman E, Sapkota A, Seedat S, Shi P, Shield K, Shivakoti R, Singh GM, Sleet DA, Smith E, Smith KR, Stapelberg NJ, Steenland K, Stöckl H, Stovner LJ, Straif K, Straney L, Thurston GD, Tran JH, Van Dingenen R, van Donkelaar A, Veerman JL, Vijayakumar L, Weintraub R, Weissman MM, White RA, Whiteford H, Wiersma ST, Wilkinson JD, Williams HC, Williams W, Wilson N, Woolf AD, Yip P, Zielinski JM, Lopez AD, Murray CJ, Ezzati M, AlMazroa MA, Memish ZA

Mediators of the socioeconomic gradient in outcomes of adult asthma and rhinitis.

American journal of public health

Trupin L, Katz PP, Balmes JR, Chen H, Yelin EH, Omachi T, Blanc PD

Particulate matter and the environmental protection agency: setting the right standard.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Thurston GD, Balmes JR

Household air pollution is a major avoidable risk factor for cardiorespiratory disease.


Mortimer K, Gordon SB, Jindal SK, Accinelli RA, Balmes J, Martin WJ


Global heart

Diette GB, Accinelli RA, Balmes JR, Buist AS, Checkley W, Garbe P, Hansel NN, Kapil V, Gordon S, Lagat DK, Yip F, Mortimer K, Perez-Padilla R, Roth C, Schwaninger JM, Punturieri A, Kiley J

Utility of urinary Clara cell protein (CC16) to demonstrate increased lung epithelial permeability in non-smokers exposed to outdoor secondhand smoke.

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

St Helen G, Holland NT, Balmes JR, Hall DB, Bernert JT, Vena JE, Wang JS, Naeher LP

The exposure-dependent effects of aged secondhand smoke on endothelial function.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Frey PF, Ganz P, Hsue PY, Benowitz NL, Glantz SA, Balmes JR, Schick SF

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and wheeze in a cohort of children with asthma in Fresno, CA.

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

Gale SL, Noth EM, Mann J, Balmes J, Hammond SK, Tager IB

Exposure to secondhand smoke outside of a bar and a restaurant and tobacco exposure biomarkers in nonsmokers.

Environmental health perspectives

St Helen G, Bernert JT, Hall DB, Sosnoff CS, Xia Y, Balmes JR, Vena JE, Wang JS, Holland NT, Naeher LP

Effects of exercise on systemic inflammatory, coagulatory, and cardiac autonomic parameters in an inhalational exposure study.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Donde A, Wong H, Frelinger J, Power K, Balmes JR, Arjomandi M

An official American Thoracic Society workshop report: Climate change and human health.

Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society

Pinkerton KE, Rom WN, Akpinar-Elci M, Balmes JR, Bayram H, Brandli O, Hollingsworth JW, Kinney PL, Margolis HG, Martin WJ, Sasser EN, Smith KR, Takaro TK

Pilot evaluation of the nasal nitric oxide response to humming as an index of osteomeatal patency.

American journal of rhinology & allergy

Shusterman DJ, Weaver EM, Goldberg AN, Schick SF, Wong HH, Balmes JR

Evaluation of a heat vulnerability index on abnormally hot days: an environmental public health tracking study.

Environmental health perspectives

Reid CE, Mann JK, Alfasso R, English PB, King GC, Lincoln RA, Margolis HG, Rubado DJ, Sabato JE, West NL, Woods B, Navarro KM, Balmes JR

Clearing the air.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes J, Pinkerton K

The association between chronic exposure to traffic-related air pollution and ischemic heart disease.

Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A

Beckerman BS, Jerrett M, Finkelstein M, Kanaroglou P, Brook JR, Arain MA, Sears MR, Stieb D, Balmes J, Chapman K

Effect of reduction in household air pollution on childhood pneumonia in Guatemala (RESPIRE): a randomised controlled trial.

Lancet (London, England)

Smith KR, McCracken JP, Weber MW, Hubbard A, Jenny A, Thompson LM, Balmes J, Diaz A, Arana B, Bruce N

The role of physical inactivity in increasing disability among older adults with obstructive airway disease.

Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention

Katz P, Chen H, Omachi TA, Gregorich SE, Julian L, Cisternas M, Balmes J, Blanc PD

Evaluating quality of life in patients with asthma and rhinitis: English adaptation of the rhinasthma questionnaire.

Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology

Chen H, Cisternas MG, Katz PP, Omachi TA, Trupin L, Yelin EH, Balmes JR, Blanc PD

Lung function in adults following in utero and childhood exposure to arsenic in drinking water: preliminary findings.

International archives of occupational and environmental health

Dauphiné DC, Ferreccio C, Guntur S, Yuan Y, Hammond SK, Balmes J, Smith AH, Steinmaus C

Ambient air pollution impairs regulatory T-cell function in asthma.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Nadeau K, McDonald-Hyman C, Noth EM, Pratt B, Hammond SK, Balmes J, Tager I

An official American Thoracic Society public policy statement: Novel risk factors and the global burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Eisner MD, Anthonisen N, Coultas D, Kuenzli N, Perez-Padilla R, Postma D, Romieu I, Silverman EK, Balmes JR

Short-term effects of air pollution on wheeze in asthmatic children in Fresno, California.

Environmental health perspectives

Mann JK, Balmes JR, Bruckner TA, Mortimer KM, Margolis HG, Pratt B, Hammond SK, Lurmann FW, Tager IB

Low prevalence of chronic beryllium disease among workers at a nuclear weapons research and development facility.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Arjomandi M, Seward J, Gotway MB, Nishimura S, Fulton GP, Thundiyil J, King TE, Harber P, Balmes JR

An integrated model of environmental factors in adult asthma lung function and disease severity: a cross-sectional study.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Trupin L, Balmes JR, Chen H, Eisner MD, Hammond SK, Katz PP, Lurmann F, Quinlan PJ, Thorne PS, Yelin EH, Blanc PD

When smoke gets in your lungs.

Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society

Balmes JR

A second chance. Setting a protective ozone standard.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Dey R, Van Winkle L, Ewart G, Balmes J, Pinkerton K

Outdoor air pollution and uncontrolled asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California.

Journal of epidemiology and community health

Meng YY, Rull RP, Wilhelm M, Lombardi C, Balmes J, Ritz B

An official American thoracic society statement: position statement on ATS activities for the promotion of respiratory and sleep/wake health and the care of the critically ill in the United States.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Brown LK, Angus DC, Marin MG, Balmes JR, Barker AF, Ewart G, Halbower AC, Lutz PO, Mularski RA, Nathanson IT, Sanders MH, Stewart GL, Upson DJ

Longer term exposure to secondhand smoke and health outcomes in COPD: impact of urine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Eisner MD, Jacob P, Benowitz NL, Balmes J, Blanc PD

Further exploration of the links between occupational exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Blanc PD, Eisner MD, Earnest G, Trupin L, Balmes JR, Yelin EH, Gregorich SE, Katz PP

American College of Chest Physicians consensus statement on the respiratory health effects of asbestos. Results of a Delphi study.


Banks DE, Shi R, McLarty J, Cowl CT, Smith D, Tarlo SM, Daroowalla F, Balmes J, Baumann M

Altered pulmonary function in children with asthma associated with highway traffic near residence.

International journal of environmental health research

Margolis HG, Mann JK, Lurmann FW, Mortimer KM, Balmes JR, Hammond SK, Tager IB

Progression from beryllium exposure to chronic beryllium disease: an analytic model.

Environmental health perspectives

Harber P, Bansal S, Balmes J

Exposure to traffic: lung function and health status in adults with asthma.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Balmes JR, Earnest G, Katz PP, Yelin EH, Eisner MD, Chen H, Trupin L, Lurmann F, Blanc PD

Early-lifetime exposure to air pollution and allergic sensitization in children with asthma.

The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma

Mortimer K, Neugebauer R, Lurmann F, Alcorn S, Balmes J, Tager I

Controlled exposure to combined particles and ozone decreases heart rate variability.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Power KL, Balmes J, Solomon C

Performance of self-reported occupational exposure compared to a job-exposure matrix approach in asthma and chronic rhinitis.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Quinlan PJ, Earnest G, Eisner MD, Yelin EH, Katz PP, Balmes JR, Blanc PD

Diagnosis and management of work-related asthma: American College Of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement.


Tarlo SM, Balmes J, Balkissoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, Bernstein D, Blanc PD, Brooks SM, Cowl CT, Daroowalla F, Harber P, Lemiere C, Liss GM, Pacheco KA, Redlich CA, Rowe B, Heitzer J

Occupational exposures and the risk of COPD: dusty trades revisited.


Blanc PD, Iribarren C, Trupin L, Earnest G, Katz PP, Balmes J, Sidney S, Eisner MD

Air pollution and pulmonary function in asthmatic children: effects of prenatal and lifetime exposures.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Mortimer K, Neugebauer R, Lurmann F, Alcorn S, Balmes J, Tager I

Brief secondhand smoke exposure depresses endothelial progenitor cells activity and endothelial function: sustained vascular injury and blunted nitric oxide production.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Heiss C, Amabile N, Lee AC, Real WM, Schick SF, Lao D, Wong ML, Jahn S, Angeli FS, Minasi P, Springer ML, Hammond SK, Glantz SA, Grossman W, Balmes JR, Yeghiazarians Y

Is there an association between lifetime cumulative exposure and acute pulmonary responses to ozone?

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Arjomandi M, Tager IB, Bastaki M, Chen C, Holland N, Balmes JR

Socioeconomic gradients in tiotropium use among adults with COPD.

International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Blanc PD, Eisner MD, Yelin EH, Earnest G, Balmes JR, Gregorich SE, Katz PP

Effects of chronic and acute ozone exposure on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity in healthy young adults.

Environmental health perspectives

Chen C, Arjomandi M, Balmes J, Tager I, Holland N

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: does occupation matter?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Torén K, Balmes J

Effects of antioxidant enzyme polymorphisms on ozone-induced lung function changes.

The European respiratory journal

Chen C, Arjomandi M, Tager IB, Holland N, Balmes JR

Ozone, a malady for all ages.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Pinkerton KE, Balmes JR, Fanucchi MV, Rom WN

Nxwisen, ntzarrin or ntzo'lin? Mapping children's respiratory symptoms among indigenous populations in Guatemala.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Thompson L, Diaz J, Jenny A, Diaz A, Bruce N, Balmes J

Secondhand smoke exposure, pulmonary function, and cardiovascular mortality.

Annals of epidemiology

Eisner MD, Wang Y, Haight TJ, Balmes J, Hammond SK, Tager IB

Epidemiology and costs of COPD.

The European respiratory journal

Blanc PD, Balmes JR

The World Trade Center collapse: a continuing tragedy for lung health?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR

Integrating research, surveillance, and practice in environmental public health tracking.

Environmental health perspectives

Kyle AD, Balmes JR, Buffler PA, Lee PR

Directly measured secondhand smoke exposure and COPD health outcomes.

BMC pulmonary medicine

Eisner MD, Balmes J, Yelin EH, Katz PP, Hammond SK, Benowitz N, Blanc PD

Case report: a case of wood-smoke-related pulmonary disease.

Environmental health perspectives

Diaz JV, Koff J, Gotway MB, Nishimura S, Balmes JR

Genotype-activity relationship for Mn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase 1 and catalase in humans.

Pharmacogenetics and genomics

Bastaki M, Huen K, Manzanillo P, Chande N, Chen C, Balmes JR, Tager IB, Holland N

Residential proximity to naturally occurring asbestos: health risk or ecologic fallacy?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Brodkin CA, Balmes JR, Redlich CA, Cullen MR

Work life of persons with asthma, rhinitis, and COPD: a study using a national, population-based sample.

Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology (London, England)

Yelin E, Katz P, Balmes J, Trupin L, Earnest G, Eisner M, Blanc P

Antioxidant intake, GSTM1 polymorphism and pulmonary function in healthy young adults.

The European respiratory journal

Tujague J, Bastaki M, Holland N, Balmes JR, Tager IB

Effects of multiday exposure to ozone on airway inflammation as determined using sputum induction.

Environmental health perspectives

Ratto J, Wong H, Liu J, Fahy J, Boushey H, Solomon C, Balmes J

Area-level socio-economic status and health status among adults with asthma and rhinitis.

The European respiratory journal

Blanc PD, Yen IH, Chen H, Katz PP, Earnest G, Balmes JR, Trupin L, Friedling N, Yelin EH, Eisner MD

Effects of nitrogen dioxide on allergic airway responses in subjects with asthma.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Witten A, Solomon C, Abbritti E, Arjomandi M, Zhai W, Kleinman M, Balmes J

Bronchiectasis in persons with skin lesions resulting from arsenic in drinking water.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Mazumder DN, Steinmaus C, Bhattacharya P, von Ehrenstein OS, Ghosh N, Gotway M, Sil A, Balmes JR, Haque R, Hira-Smith MM, Smith AH

Chronic exposure to ambient ozone and lung function in young adults.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Tager IB, Balmes J, Lurmann F, Ngo L, Alcorn S, Künzli N

Functioning and psychological status among individuals with COPD.

Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation

Katz PP, Eisner MD, Yelin EH, Trupin L, Earnest G, Balmes J, Blanc PD

Evidence for excess colorectal cancer incidence among asbestos-exposed men in the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial.

American journal of epidemiology

Aliyu OA, Cullen MR, Barnett MJ, Balmes JR, Cartmel B, Redlich CA, Brodkin CA, Barnhart S, Rosenstock L, Israel L, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, Omenn GS

Decrements in lung function related to arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India.

American journal of epidemiology

von Ehrenstein OS, Mazumder DN, Yuan Y, Samanta S, Balmes J, Sil A, Ghosh N, Hira-Smith M, Haque R, Purushothamam R, Lahiri S, Das S, Smith AH

Exposure to vapors, gas, dust, or fumes: assessment by a single survey item compared to a detailed exposure battery and a job exposure matrix.

American journal of industrial medicine

Blanc PD, Eisner MD, Balmes JR, Trupin L, Yelin EH, Katz PP

Respiratory health effects related to occupational spray painting and welding.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Hammond SK, Gold E, Baker R, Quinlan P, Smith W, Pandya R, Balmes J

Sputum induction and bronchoscopy for assessment of ozone-induced airway inflammation in asthma.


Arjomandi M, Schmidlin I, Girling P, Boylen K, Ferrando R, Balmes J

Repeated exposure to ozone increases alveolar macrophage recruitment into asthmatic airways.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Arjomandi M, Witten A, Abbritti E, Reintjes K, Schmidlin I, Zhai W, Solomon C, Balmes J

Development and validation of a survey-based COPD severity score.


Eisner MD, Trupin L, Katz PP, Yelin EH, Earnest G, Balmes J, Blanc PD

Lifetime environmental tobacco smoke exposure and the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Eisner MD, Balmes J, Katz PP, Trupin L, Yelin EH, Blanc PD

Impact of the home indoor environment on adult asthma and rhinitis.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Blanc PD, Eisner MD, Katz PP, Yen IH, Archea C, Earnest G, Janson S, Masharani UB, Quinlan PJ, Hammond SK, Thorne PS, Balmes JR, Trupin L, Yelin EH

Occupational contribution to the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Balmes JR

Predictors of lung cancer among asbestos-exposed men in the {beta}-carotene and retinol efficacy trial.

American journal of epidemiology

Cullen MR, Barnett MJ, Balmes JR, Cartmel B, Redlich CA, Brodkin CA, Barnhart S, Rosenstock L, Goodman GE, Hammar SP, Thornquist MD, Omenn GS

The Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial: incidence of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality during 6-year follow-up after stopping beta-carotene and retinol supplements.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, Balmes J, Cullen MR, Meyskens FL, Omenn GS, Valanis B, Williams JH

The association between occupational factors and adverse health outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Blanc PD, Eisner MD, Trupin L, Yelin EH, Katz PP, Balmes JR

Effect of ozone exposure on airway responses to inhaled allergen in asthmatic subjects.


Chen LL, Tager IB, Peden DB, Christian DL, Ferrando RE, Welch BS, Balmes JR

Influence of age, gender, and allergy status on nasal reactivity to inhaled chlorine.

Inhalation toxicology

Shusterman D, Murphy MA, Balmes J

The occupational burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The European respiratory journal

Trupin L, Earnest G, San Pedro M, Balmes JR, Eisner MD, Yelin E, Katz PP, Blanc PD

Differences in nasal irritant sensitivity by age, gender, and allergic rhinitis status.

International archives of occupational and environmental health

Shusterman D, Murphy MA, Balmes J

Evaluating the use of a portable spirometer in a study of pediatric asthma.


Mortimer KM, Fallot A, Balmes JR, Tager IB

Chlorine inhalation produces nasal congestion in allergic rhinitics without mast cell degranulation.

The European respiratory journal

Shusterman D, Balmes J, Avila PC, Murphy MA, Matovinovic E

American Thoracic Society Statement: Occupational contribution to the burden of airway disease.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes J, Becklake M, Blanc P, Henneberger P, Kreiss K, Mapp C, Milton D, Schwartz D, Toren K, Viegi G

Hard metal interstitial lung disease: high-resolution computed tomography appearance.

Journal of thoracic imaging

Gotway MB, Golden JA, Warnock M, Koth LL, Webb R, Reddy GP, Balmes JR

Aircraft cabin air recirculation and symptoms of the common cold.


Zitter JN, Mazonson PD, Miller DP, Hulley SB, Balmes JR

Chlorine exposure and the upper respiratory tract.

The European respiratory journal

Shusterman D, Solomon C, Balmes J, Blanc P

Diesel exhaust and asthma: hypotheses and molecular mechanisms of action.

Environmental health perspectives

Pandya RJ, Solomon G, Kinner A, Balmes JR

Physician reports of work-related asthma in California, 1993-1996.

American journal of industrial medicine

Reinisch F, Harrison RJ, Cussler S, Athanasoulis M, Balmes J, Blanc P, Cone J

Occupational respiratory diseases.

Primary care

Balmes JR

Occupational asthma: a review.

Environmental health perspectives

Lombardo LJ, Balmes JR

Effect of serial-day exposure to nitrogen dioxide on airway and blood leukocytes and lymphocyte subsets.

The European respiratory journal

Solomon C, Christian DL, Chen LL, Welch BS, Kleinman MT, Dunham E, Erle DJ, Balmes JR

Effects of azithromycin on ozone-induced airway neutrophilia and cytokine release.

The European respiratory journal

Criqui GI, Solomon C, Welch BS, Ferrando RE, Boushey HA, Balmes JR

Ozone-induced inflammation is attenuated with multiday exposure.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Christian DL, Chen LL, Scannell CH, Ferrando RE, Welch BS, Balmes JR

The validity of radiographic estimation of total lung capacity in patients with respiratory disease.


Pappas GP, Brodkin CA, Sheppard L, Balmes J, Horike M, Barnhart S

Occupation, asthma, and chronic respiratory symptoms in a community sample of older women.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Forastiere F, Balmes J, Scarinci M, Tager IB

Subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis and nonrhinitic subjects react differentially to nasal provocation with chlorine gas.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Shusterman DJ, Murphy MA, Balmes JR

Lobe of origin and histologic type of lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure in the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET).

American journal of industrial medicine

Brodkin CA, McCullough J, Stover B, Balmes J, Hammar S, Omenn GS, Checkoway H, Barnhart S

The CARET asbestos-exposed cohort: baseline characteristics and comparison to other asbestos-exposed cohorts.

American journal of industrial medicine

Barnhart S, Keogh J, Cullen MR, Brodkin C, Liu D, Goodman G, Valanis B, Glass A, Thornquist M, Rosenstock L, Omenn G, Balmes J

A comparison of two methods for determining nasal irritant sensitivity.

American journal of rhinology

Shusterman DJ, Balmes JR

Measurement of nasal irritant sensitivity to pulsed carbon dioxide: a pilot study.

Archives of environmental health

Shusterman D, Balmes J

Tuberculosis in health care settings and the estimated benefits of engineering controls and respiratory protection.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Barnhart S, Sheppard L, Beaudet N, Stover B, Balmes J

Effects of ozone on normal and potentially sensitive human subjects. Part I: Airway inflammation and responsiveness to ozone in normal and asthmatic subjects.

Research report (Health Effects Institute)

Balmes JR, Aris RM, Chen LL, Scannell C, Tager IB, Finkbeiner W, Christian D, Kelly T, Hearne PQ, Ferrando R, Welch B

The protective effect of beta-carotene and retinol on ventilatory function in an asbestos-exposed cohort.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Chuwers P, Barnhart S, Blanc P, Brodkin CA, Cullen M, Kelly T, Keogh J, Omenn G, Williams J, Balmes JR

Association between lifetime ambient ozone exposure and pulmonary function in college freshmen--results of a pilot study.

Environmental research

Künzli N, Lurmann F, Segal M, Ngo L, Balmes J, Tager IB

Risk factors for lung cancer and for intervention effects in CARET, the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, Balmes J, Cullen MR, Glass A, Keogh JP, Meyskens FL, Valanis B, Williams JH, Barnhart S, Cherniack MG, Brodkin CA, Hammar S

Differential regulation of airway epithelial integrins by growth factors.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Wang A, Yokosaki Y, Ferrando R, Balmes J, Sheppard D

Greater ozone-induced inflammatory responses in subjects with asthma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Scannell C, Chen L, Aris RM, Tager I, Christian D, Ferrando R, Welch B, Kelly T, Balmes JR

Reliability of lifetime residential history and activity measures as elements of cumulative ambient ozone exposure assessment.

Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology

Künzli N, Lurman F, Segal M, Ngo L, Balmes J, Tager IB

Effects of a combination of beta carotene and vitamin A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The New England journal of medicine

Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, Balmes J, Cullen MR, Glass A, Keogh JP, Meyskens FL, Valanis B, Williams JH, Barnhart S, Hammar S

Ozone-induced decrements in FEV1 and FVC do not correlate with measures of inflammation.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Balmes JR, Chen LL, Scannell C, Tager I, Christian D, Hearne PQ, Kelly T, Aris RM

Chemoprevention of lung cancer: the beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) in high-risk smokers and asbestos-exposed workers.

IARC scientific publications

Omenn GS, Goodman G, Thornquist M, Barnhart S, Balmes J, Cherniack M, Cullen M, Glass A, Keogh J, Liu D, Meyskens F, Perloff M, Valanis B, Williams J

Longitudinal pattern of reported respiratory symptoms and accelerated ventilatory loss in asbestos-exposed workers.


Brodkin CA, Barnhart S, Checkoway H, Balmes J, Omenn GS, Rosenstock L

Predictors of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide exposure in smoke inhalation patients.

Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology

Shusterman D, Alexeeff G, Hargis C, Kaplan J, Sato R, Gelb A, Becker C, Benowitz N, Gillen M, Thollaug S, Balmes J

Asthma and air pollution.

The Western journal of medicine

Balmes JR

Pulmonary effects of firefighting.

Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Scannell CH, Balmes JR

Irritant-induced asthma.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Shusterman D, Balmes J, Cone J

Distribution of integrins alpha v beta 6 and alpha 9 beta 1 and their known ligands, fibronectin and tenascin, in human airways.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Weinacker A, Ferrando R, Elliott M, Hogg J, Balmes J, Sheppard D

Methacholine responsiveness is not associated with O3-induced decreases in FEV1.


Aris RM, Tager I, Christian D, Kelly T, Balmes JR

Ethics, occupational medicine, and ACOEM.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Frumkin H, Gerr F, Hessl SM, Cullen M, Schwartz B, Mitchell CS, Weaver VM, Pransky G, Frank AL, Balmes J

Respiratory effects of occupational exposure to aerosolized pentamidine.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Balmes JR, Estacio PL, Quinlan P, Kelly T, Corkery K, Blanc P

Persistent respiratory health effects after a metam sodium pesticide spill.


Cone JE, Wugofski L, Balmes JR, Das R, Bowler R, Alexeeff G, Shusterman D

Occupational factors in work-related inhalations: inferences for prevention strategy.

American journal of industrial medicine

Blanc PD, Galbo M, Balmes JR, Olson KR

The beta-carotene and retinol efficacy trial (CARET) for chemoprevention of lung cancer in high risk populations: smokers and asbestos-exposed workers.

Cancer research

Omenn GS, Goodman G, Thornquist M, Grizzle J, Rosenstock L, Barnhart S, Balmes J, Cherniack MG, Cullen MR, Glass A

The role of ozone exposure in the epidemiology of asthma.

Environmental health perspectives

Balmes JR

Ozone-induced airway inflammation in human subjects as determined by airway lavage and biopsy.

The American review of respiratory disease

Aris RM, Christian D, Hearne PQ, Kerr K, Finkbeiner WE, Balmes JR

Effects of nitric acid gas alone or in combination with ozone on healthy volunteers.

The American review of respiratory disease

Aris R, Christian D, Tager I, Ngo L, Finkbeiner WE, Balmes JR

Statistical design and monitoring of the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET).

Controlled clinical trials

Thornquist MD, Omenn GS, Goodman GE, Grizzle JE, Rosenstock L, Barnhart S, Anderson GL, Hammar S, Balmes J, Cherniack M

Symptoms, lung function, and airway responsiveness following irritant inhalation.


Blanc PD, Galbo M, Hiatt P, Olson KR, Balmes JR

Occupational asthma in a pesticides manufacturing worker.


Royce S, Wald P, Sheppard D, Balmes J

The effect of smoke inhalation on lung function and airway responsiveness in wildland fire fighters.

The American review of respiratory disease

Liu D, Tager IB, Balmes JR, Harrison RJ

To B-read or not to B-read.

Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association

Balmes JR

Occupational asthma.

The Western journal of medicine

Balmes JR

Recruitment for the beta-carotene and retinol efficacy trial (CARET) to prevent lung cancer in smokers and asbestos-exposed workers.

The Western journal of medicine

Omenn GS, Goodman G, Grizzle J, Thornquist M, Rosenstock L, Barnhart S, Anderson G, Balmes J, Cone J, Cherniack M

Physicians and occupational medicine.

The New England journal of medicine

Markowitz S, Frank AL, Hessl SM, Christiani D, Robins T, Balmes J

Atopy and airways reactivity in animal health technicians. A pilot study.

Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association

Das R, Tager IB, Gamsky T, Schenker MB, Royce S, Balmes JR

Hospital records as a data source for occupational disease surveillance: a feasibility study.

American journal of industrial medicine

Balmes J, Rempel D, Alexander M, Reiter R, Harrison R, Bernard B, Benner D, Cone J

Asbestos-related disease in custodial and building maintenance workers from a large municipal school district.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Balmes JR, Daponte A, Cone JE

Respiratory effects of exposure of shipyard workers to epoxy paints.

British journal of industrial medicine

Rempel D, Jones J, Atterbury M, Balmes J

Airway oedema and obstruction in guinea pigs exposed to inhaled endotoxin.

British journal of industrial medicine

Gordon T, Balmes J, Fine J, Sheppard D

Fatal injuries at work in California.

Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association

Cone JE, Daponte A, Makofsky D, Reiter R, Becker C, Harrison RJ, Balmes J

Lack of bronchoconstrictor response to sulfuric acid aerosols and fogs.

The American review of respiratory disease

Aris R, Christian D, Sheppard D, Balmes JR

CARET, the beta-carotene and retinol efficacy trial to prevent lung cancer in asbestos-exposed workers and in smokers.

Anti-cancer drugs

Omenn GS, Goodman G, Grizzle J, Thornquist M, Rosenstock L, Barnhart S, Anderson G, Balmes J, Cherniack M, Cone J

Surveillance for occupational asthma.

Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Balmes JR

The effects of sequential exposure to acidic fog and ozone on pulmonary function in exercising subjects.

The American review of respiratory disease

Aris R, Christian D, Sheppard D, Balmes JR

Evaluation of a proposed NIOSH surveillance. Case definition for occupational asthma.


Klees JE, Alexander M, Rempel D, Beckett W, Rubin R, Barnhart S, Balmes JR

Medical surveillance for pulmonary endpoints.

Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Balmes JR

Acid fog-induced bronchoconstriction. The role of hydroxymethanesulfonic acid.

The American review of respiratory disease

Aris R, Christian D, Sheppard D, Balmes JR

Isocyanates, polyurethane paints, and asthma.

The Western journal of medicine

Balmes J, London SJ, Peters JM

Silica exposure and tuberculosis: an old problem with some new twists.

Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association

Balmes J

Potential bronchoconstrictor stimuli in acid fog.

Environmental health perspectives

Balmes JR, Fine JM, Gordon T, Sheppard D

Prospective study of respiratory effects of formaldehyde among healthy and asthmatic medical students.

American journal of industrial medicine

Uba G, Pachorek D, Bernstein J, Garabrant DH, Balmes JR, Wright WE, Amar RB

Airway inflammation and occupational asthma.

Clinics in chest medicine

Fine JM, Balmes JR

Hypokalemia induced by inhaled bronchodilators.


Gelmont DM, Balmes JR, Yee A

Soybean flour asthma: detection of allergens by immunoblotting.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Bush RK, Schroeckenstein D, Meier-Davis S, Balmes J, Rempel D

Acidity potentiates bronchoconstriction induced by hypoosmolar aerosols.

The American review of respiratory disease

Balmes JR, Fine JM, Christian D, Gordon T, Sheppard D

Behavioral sensitization to irritants/odorants after acute overexposures.

Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association

Shusterman D, Balmes J, Cone J

Symptomatic bronchoconstriction after short-term inhalation of sulfur dioxide.

The American review of respiratory disease

Balmes JR, Fine JM, Sheppard D

Respiratory effects of hard-metal dust exposure.

Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Balmes JR

Chronic beryllium disease in a precious metal refinery. Clinical epidemiologic and immunologic evidence for continuing risk from exposure to low level beryllium fume.

The American review of respiratory disease

Cullen MR, Kominsky JR, Rossman MD, Cherniack MG, Rankin JA, Balmes JR, Kern JA, Daniele RP, Palmer L, Naegel GP

Respiratory effects of cotton dust exposure in the cotton garnetting industry.

American journal of industrial medicine

Kawamoto MM, Garabrant DH, Held J, Balmes JR, Patzman J, Dimick DV, Simonowitz JA, Bernstein L

Exercise testing in occupational lung diseases.

Clinics in chest medicine

Wiedemann HP, Gee JB, Balmes JR, Loke J

Thoracic CT scanning in asbestos workers with lung cancer.

Connecticut medicine

Balmes JR, Cullen MR, Henriksen E

Lung cancer: a persistent challenge.


Matthay RA, Balmes JR

Lipoid pneumonia caused by oil mist exposure from a steel rolling tandem mill.

American journal of industrial medicine

Cullen MR, Balmes JR, Robins JM, Smith GJ

What infections occur in patients with occupational lung disease?

Clinics in chest medicine

Balmes J, Cullen MR, Gee JB