Allison Temourian, PhD
Allison A. Temourian, PhD, received her doctorate in Psychological Sciences (Health Psychology) from the University of California, Merced under the mentorship of Drs. Anna V. Song and Anna E. Epperson. Prior to joining the CTCRE, Allison worked extensively with the Nicotine and Cannabis Policy Center to examine 1) cognitions as they relate to addictive behavior and 2) antecedents to health risk behaviors with an emphasis in dual use of tobacco products and co-use of cannabis and tobacco. As a postdoctoral fellow at the CTCRE, Dr. Temourian aims to continue her dissertation work validating her novel scale assessing perceptions of nicotine addiction that align with the clinical dimensions of tobacco use disorder. In addition, she is interested in continuing to examine the longitudinal relationship between tobacco and cannabis using nationally representative data.