Dan Kabella, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Cardiovascular Research Inst
+1 415 570-7526

Danielle Kabella, PhD received a doctorate in Human and Social Dimension of Science and Technology at Arizona State University's School for the Future of Innovation. Their doctoral research offers an ethnographic study that makes visible alternative strategies Chicanx communities use to articulate place-based drug recovery futures in New Mexico. They have co-developed and implemented ways of connecting their scholarship to broader and diverse audiences. Their work was featured on The Dirt Podcast and has been recognized by the ASU Social Justice Spotlight Award. During their time at ASU, they co-taught courses on Substance Abuse and Addictive Behaviors, Decolonized Collaborative Online International Learning (DCOIL), and Sociology. They were a DEI Inclusive Teaching Fellow where they helped to adapt DCOIL tools for graduate Global Technology and Development courses. 

As a member of the STS Borderlands Laboratory, Dr. Kabella has carried out experimental multimedia archival and digital ethnography to investigate border technologies in the Mexican Borderlands. At the Mind Research Network, Kabella worked on an interdisciplinary project that developed a framework to understand neurodevelopmental and social effects of substance use and pregnancy. 

As a Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) postdoctoral fellow, Kabella plans to conduct research that enables scrutiny and analysis of the manifestation of place and race in the wider context of corporate and regulatory practice. Taking seriously the methodological approach of archiving as a human right, they will explore community-led knowledge production strategies in leveraging OIDA.  Dr. Kabella is an advocate for fellow survivors and families directly impacted by punitive drug policies and is deeply committed to reducing harm and achieving racial and health equity.


Making and touching: Multimodal encounters with overdose prevention

Multimodality & Society

Kabella, DM, Torres, M, Rude, K

Hypersynchrony in MEG spectral amplitude in prospectively-identified 6-month-old infants prenatally exposed to alcohol.

NeuroImage. Clinical

Stephen JM, Flynn L, Kabella D, Schendel M, Cano S, Savage DD, Rayburn W, Leeman LM, Lowe J, Bakhireva LN