Eric Crosbie, PhD
Eric Crosbie recently received his PhD in Politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). His research is multi-disciplinary combining elements of political science, public health, law, and business to examine the regulatory environment of tobacco at the domestic and international level, including the intersection of global health and global trade governance. In particular his dissertation, titled "Constraining Government Regulatory Authority: Tobacco Industry Trade Threats and Challenges to Cigarette Package Health Warning Labels" examined how tobacco companies have been able to use trade agreements to globally preempt strong public health policies, which has caused a regulatory chill/chilling effect on implementing strong tobacco packaging policies.
Before returning to graduate school to complete his PhD, Eric worked for 3 years at the CTCRE researching and publishing studies on tobacco control policymaking in Latin America and international trade. Eric has also participated in sessions with trade representatives during trade negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. As a postdoc he looks to continue working on trade and tobacco control as well expand his research towards the impact of trade on food, alcohol and medicine.