Heather Leutwyler, RN, PhD, NP

Associate Professor
Physiological Nursing
+1 415 514-1524

Dr. Leutwyler has extensive research and clinical experiences working with adults with serious mental illness, and her research focuses on identifying factors associated with poor physical health among adults with schizophrenia and conducting interventions to promote physical health among adults with serious mental illness. Currently, Dr. Leutwyler is the PI of a TRDRP-funded pilot 2-arm RCT to examine the feasibility and potential efficacy of a game-based group physical activity intervention, along with cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy, to increase successful smoking cessation in smokers with serious mental illness.


A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Multicomponent Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adults with Serious Mental Illness.

Games for health journal

Leutwyler H, Hubbard E, Bussell T, Balestra D, Cooper B, Souza RB, Humfleet G

Music-Based Interventions for Symptom Management in Critically Ill, Mechanically Ventilated Adults: A Scoping Review of the Literature.

Journal of integrative and complementary medicine

Menza R, Bongiovanni T, Leutwyler H, Tang J, Johnson JK, Howie-Esquivel J

The Whole Package: A Multi-Component Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adults With Serious Mental Illness: A Qualitative Study.

Tobacco Use Insights

Leutwyler H, Hubbard E, Humfleet G, Souza R, Balestra D, Wallhagen M

Associations of Systemic Inflammation and Senescent Cell Biomarkers with Clinical Outcomes in Older Adults with Schizophrenia.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Chui MKK, Schneider K, Miclau K, LaHue SC, Furman D, Leutwyler H, Newman JC


Innovation in Aging

Heather Leutwyler, Erin Hubbard, Theodore Bussell, Negin Zahedikia, Dennys Balestra, Margaret Wallhagen, Chizimuzo Okoli

Social connections as determinants of cognitive health and as targets for social interventions in persons with or at risk of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders: a scoping review.

International psychogeriatrics

Joshi P, Hendrie K, Jester DJ, Dasarathy D, Lavretsky H, Ku BS, Leutwyler H, Torous J, Jeste DV, Tampi RR

Role Identity Transition: A Conceptual Framework for Being the Spouse of a Person With Early Onset Dementia.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Binford S, Wallhagen MI, Leutwyler H

Review of Major Social Determinants of Health in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Psychotic Disorders: I. Clinical Outcomes.

Schizophrenia bulletin

Jester DJ, Thomas ML, Sturm ET, Harvey PD, Keshavan M, Davis BJ, Saxena S, Tampi R, Leutwyler H, Compton MT, Palmer BW, Jeste DV

Theory of Symptom Management.

Sandra J. Weiss, Linda S. Franck, Heather Leutwyler, Carol S. Dawson-Rose, Margaret I. Wallhagen, Sandra L. Staveski, Kord M. Kober, Christine A. Miaskowski

The Epidemiology of Smoking in Older Adults: A National Cohort Study.

Journal of general internal medicine

Hunt LJ, Covinsky KE, Cenzer I, Espejo E, Boscardin WJ, Leutwyler H, Lee AK, Cataldo J

Impact of exergames on psychiatric symptoms in older adults with serious mental illness.

Aging & mental health

Heinbach M, Block A, Hubbard E, Cataldo J, Cooper B, Leutwyler H

Direct-to-consumer genomic testing: Are nurses prepared?


Flowers E, Leutwyler H, Shim JK

The Lived Experience of Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes-Related Distress.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Hernandez L, Leutwyler H, Cataldo J, Kanaya A, Swislocki A, Chesla C

Symptom Experience of Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Distress.

Nursing research

Hernandez L, Leutwyler H, Cataldo J, Kanaya A, Swislocki A, Chesla C

Impact of a Pilot Videogame-Based Physical Activity Program on Walking Speed in Adults with Schizophrenia.

Community mental health journal

Leutwyler H, Hubbard E, Cooper BA, Dowling G

Serum BDNF Is Positively Associated With Negative Symptoms in Older Adults With Schizophrenia.

Biological research for nursing

Binford SS, Hubbard EM, Flowers E, Miller BL, Leutwyler H

Case management helps prevent criminal justice recidivism for people with serious mental illness.

International journal of prisoner health

Leutwyler H, Hubbard E, Zahnd E

Stability of Symptom Clusters in Patients With Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Sullivan CW, Leutwyler H, Dunn LB, Cooper BA, Paul SM, Levine JD, Hammer M, Conley YP, Miaskowski CA

Differences in symptom clusters identified using symptom occurrence rates versus severity ratings in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.

European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society

Ward Sullivan C, Leutwyler H, Dunn LB, Cooper BA, Paul SM, Conley YP, Levine JD, Miaskowski CA

A Qualitative Study Exploring Community Yoga Practice in Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Greysen HM, Greysen SR, Lee KA, Hong OS, Katz P, Leutwyler H

Characteristics associated with inter-individual differences in the trajectories of self-reported attentional function in oncology outpatients receiving chemotherapy.

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer

Shih J, Leutwyler H, Ritchie C, Paul SM, Levine JD, Cooper B, Wright F, Conley YP, Miaskowski C

Associations between cytokine genes and a symptom cluster of pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depression in patients prior to breast cancer surgery.

Biological research for nursing

Doong SH, Dhruva A, Dunn LB, West C, Paul SM, Cooper BA, Elboim C, Abrams G, Merriman JD, Langford DJ, Leutwyler H, Baggott C, Kober K, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Adherence to a Videogame-Based Physical Activity Program for Older Adults with Schizophrenia.

Games for health journal

Leutwyler H, Hubbard EM, Dowling GA

Cytokine gene associations with self-report ratings of morning and evening fatigue in oncology patients and their family caregivers.

Biological research for nursing

Dhruva A, Aouizerat BE, Cooper B, Paul SM, Dodd M, West C, Wara W, Lee K, Dunn LB, Langford DJ, Merriman JD, Baggott C, Cataldo J, Ritchie C, Kober KM, Leutwyler H, Miaskowski C

Association between schizophrenia symptoms and neurocognition on mobility in older adults with schizophrenia.

Aging & mental health

Leutwyler H, Hubbard E, Jeste D, Miller B, Vinogradov S

Cytokine candidate genes predict the development of secondary lymphedema following breast cancer surgery.

Lymphatic research and biology

Leung G, Baggott C, West C, Elboim C, Paul SM, Cooper BA, Abrams G, Dhruva A, Schmidt BL, Kober K, Merriman JD, Leutwyler H, Neuhaus J, Langford D, Smoot BJ, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Identification of patient subgroups and risk factors for persistent arm/shoulder pain following breast cancer surgery.

European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society

Miaskowski C, Paul SM, Cooper B, West C, Levine JD, Elboim C, Hamolsky D, Abrams G, Luce J, Dhruva A, Langford DJ, Merriman JD, Kober K, Baggott C, Leutwyler H, Aouizerat BE

Variations in potassium channel genes are associated with breast pain in women prior to breast cancer surgery.

Journal of neurogenetics

Langford DJ, West C, Elboim C, Cooper BA, Abrams G, Paul SM, Schmidt BL, Levine JD, Merriman JD, Dhruva A, Neuhaus J, Leutwyler H, Baggott C, Sullivan CW, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Association between an interleukin 1 receptor, type I promoter polymorphism and self-reported attentional function in women with breast cancer.


Merriman JD, Aouizerat BE, Cataldo JK, Dunn L, Cooper BA, West C, Paul SM, Baggott CR, Dhruva A, Kober K, Langford DJ, Leutwyler H, Ritchie CS, Abrams G, Dodd M, Elboim C, Hamolsky D, Melisko M, Miaskowski C

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in outpatients with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation

Andrew Soundy, Martien Wampers, Michel Probst, Marc De Hert, Brendon Stubbs, Davy Vancampfort, Cecelia Attux, Heather Leutwyler, Andreas Ströhle

Associations between cytokine gene variations and severe persistent breast pain in women following breast cancer surgery.

The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society

Stephens K, Cooper BA, West C, Paul SM, Baggott CR, Merriman JD, Dhruva A, Kober KM, Langford DJ, Leutwyler H, Luce JA, Schmidt BL, Abrams GM, Elboim C, Hamolsky D, Levine JD, Miaskowski C, Aouizerat BE

Associations of schizophrenia symptoms and neurocognition with physical activity in older adults with schizophrenia.

Biological research for nursing

Leutwyler H, Hubbard EM, Jeste DV, Miller B, Vinogradov S

Differences in morning and evening fatigue in oncology patients and their family caregivers.

European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society

Dhruva A, Aouizerat BE, Cooper B, Paul SM, Dodd M, West C, Wara W, Lee K, Dunn LB, Langford DJ, Merriman JD, Baggott C, Cataldo J, Ritchie C, Kober K, Leutwyler H, Miaskowski C

"It's good for me": physical activity in older adults with schizophrenia.

Community mental health journal

Leutwyler H, Hubbard EM, Slater M, Jeste DV

Medication adherence among older adults with schizophrenia.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Leutwyler HC, Fox PJ, Wallhagen M

Videogames to Promote Physical Activity in Older Adults with Schizophrenia.

Games for health journal

Leutwyler H, Hubbard EM, Vinogradov S, Dowling GA

Games for Health Journal

Video Games to Promote Physical Activity in Older Adults with Schizophrenia.

Leutwyler, H., Hubbard, E., Vinogradov, S., and Dowling, G.

Older adults with schizophrenia finding a place to belong.

Issues in mental health nursing

Leutwyler HC, Chafetz L, Wallhagen M

Understanding physical health of older adults with schizophrenia: building and eroding trust.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Leutwyler HC, Wallhagen MI