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Shannon Kozlovich, PhD

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Shannon Kozlovich, PhD, has a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Washington State University where her research focused on the impact of genotype and menthol on tobacco toxicity and carcinogenic effects. The work with menthol opened her eyes to the impact scientific evidence has on public policy, or rather, the impact it should have. Shannon has always been a strong and active community organizer with the ability to bring people together to make a difference and to make our community a more welcoming and inclusive place.  As a CTCRE postdoctoral fellow Shannon is interested in continuing her research with projects that may include tobacco dual use with marijuana and/or the use of tobacco during hormone replacement therapy within gender minority populations. She would like to gain training in pharmacokinetics and further explore tissue specific expression and activity of enzymes important in tobacco addiction, activation, and detoxification pathways, especially in those tissues that come in direct contact with main-stream, second-hand, and third-hand smoke.


Engaging Scientists in Policy Discourse

Curr Protoc Essent Lab Tech

Bushana PN, Szlenk C, Kozlovich S

The role of L- and D-menthol in the glucuronidation and detoxification of the major lung carcinogen, NNAL.

Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals

Kozlovich S, Chen G, Watson CJ, Blot WJ, Lazarus P

Prominent Stereo-selectivity of NNAL Glucuronidation in Upper Aerodigestive Tract Tissues.

Chemical research in toxicology

Kozlovich S, Chen G, Watson CJ, Lazarus P

Association between Glucuronidation Genotypes and Urinary NNAL Metabolic Phenotypes in Smokers.

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Chen G, Luo S, Kozlovich S, Lazarus P

Stereospecific Metabolism of the Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine, NNAL.

Chemical research in toxicology

Kozlovich S, Chen G, Lazarus P