Shannon Watkins, PhD

Employee of Affiliated Org.
+1 415 476-4683

Shannon Lea Watkins is a scholar of public affairs whose work aims to illuminate social and structural barriers that individuals face in achieving their full health potential to inform efforts to promote health equity. Her current work investigates patterns of tobacco initiation, product change, and cessation among youth and young adults, with a particular focus on the role of additive flavors in tobacco initiation, use, and tobacco-related health disparities. Another thread of research has focused on urban environments, particularly understanding social and environmental impacts of citizen engagement in caring for urban environmental resources and evaluating evidence, determinants, and outcomes of urban forest inequity. She approaches her research with an interdisciplinary lens and employs a variety of methodological approaches, including econometric techniques, meta-analysis, spatial analysis, and qualitative methods. A core component of her research program is engagement with public and policy stakeholders and public dissemination of her work.


Real-world effectiveness of smoking cessation strategies for young and older adults: Findings from a nationally representative cohort.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Watkins SL, Thrul J, Max W, Ling PM

Cold Turkey and Hot Vapes? A national study of young adult cigarette cessation strategies.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Watkins SL, Thrul J, Max W, Ling P

Noncigarette Tobacco Products-Gateway or Diversion?-Reply.

JAMA pediatrics

Watkins SL, Glantz SA, Chaffee BW

Does collaborative tree planting between nonprofits and neighborhood groups improve neighborhood community capacity?.


Shannon Lea Watkins, Jess Vogt, Sarah K. Mincey, Burnell C. Fischer, Rachael A. Bergmann, Sarah E. Widney, Lynne M. Westphal, Sean Sweeney

The relationship between urban forests and race: A meta-analysis.

Journal of environmental management

Watkins SL, Gerrish E

The relationship between urban forests and income: A meta-analysis.

Landscape and Urban Planning

Gerrish E, Watkins SL

Explaining planted-tree survival and growth in urban neighborhoods: A social–ecological approach to studying recently-planted trees in Indianapolis.

Landscape and Urban Planning

Jessica M. Vogt, Shannon Lea Watkins, Sarah K. Mincey, Matthew S. Patterson, Burnell C. Fischer

The need to standardize at-planting data

Arborist News

JM Vogt, SL Watkins, SE Widney, BC Fischer

Organic Farming in West Virginia: A Behavioral Approach.

Journal of Agriculture Food Systems and Community Development

James R. Farmer, Graham Epstein, Shannon Lea Watkins, Sarah K. Mincey

Organic farming in West Virginia: A behavioral approach

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development

JR Farmer, G Epstein, SL Watkins, SK Mincey

Does collaborative tree planting between nonprofits and neighborhood groups improve neighborhood community capacity?


Watkins, S.L.
Vogt, J
Mincey, S.K.
Fischer, B.C.
Bergmann, R.A
Widney, S.E.
Westphal, L.
Sweeney, S.