Stuart Gansky, MS, DrPH

Preventive & Restor Dent Sci
+1 415 502-8094

My research concentrates on oral health research, health disparities research, applied statistical analyses and related method­ological issues. Balancing these components is essential to successful and practical oral epidemiology research. Methodological examination helps ground health research and build convincing argu­ments, while collaborative health research generates opportunities for innovative statistical practice and provides challenges for developing ways to solve real world problems


Inequitable exposure to tobacco product litter among adolescents in California, USA.

Tobacco prevention & cessation

Chaffee BW, Farooq O, Couch ET, Donaldson CD, Cheng NF, Gansky SA, Zhang X

Parent-Targeted Oral Health Text Messaging for Underserved Children Attending Pediatric Clinics: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Borrelli B, Endrighi R, Heeren T, Adams WG, Gansky SA, Werntz S, Rueras N, Stephens D, Ameli N, Henshaw MM

Among Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Methods, Automated Gradient-Boosting Models Accurately Score Intraoral Plaque in Non-Standardized Images.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Eric Coy, William Santo, Bonnie Jue, Helen Betts, Francisco Ramos-Gomez, Stuart A. Gansky

Flavored Tobacco Product Use Among California Adolescents Before and Immediately After a Statewide Flavor Ban.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Chaffee BW, Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Guerra Castillo C, Farooq O, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Wilkinson ML, Gansky SA, Zhang X, Hoeft KS

Cost-effectiveness analysis design for interventions to prevent children's oral disease.

Frontiers in Oral Health

Spetz J, Rose J, Kahn JG, Lin T, Levy D, Pugach O, Hyde S, Borrelli B, Henshaw M, Martin M, Nelson S, Ramos-Gomez F, Gansky SA

Perceived discrimination and youth vaping: The role of intersectional identities.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Donaldson CD, Stupplebeen DA, Couch ET, Rojas AI, Farooq O, Zhang X, Gansky SA, Chaffee BW

Patterns in Tobacco, E-Cigarette, and Cannabis Advertising Exposure Among California Adolescents and Associations With Future Use Expectations.

Substance use & misuse

Chaffee BW, Couch ET, Donaldson CD, Farooq O, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Zhang X, Gansky SA

Impact of survey item wording on reported tobacco use among youth: effect of adding ‘even one or two puffs’ to use questions.

International Journal of Social Research Methodology

Benjamin W. Chaffee, Lauren M. Dutra, Candice D. Donaldson, Elizabeth T. Couch, Omara Farooq, Xueying Zhang, Stuart A. Gansky

"I think we can do without [tobacco]": support for policies to end the tobacco epidemic among California adolescents.

Tobacco control

Chaffee BW, Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Andersen-Rodgers E, Guerra C, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Stupplebeen D, Farooq O, Wilkinson M, Gansky S, Zhang X, Hoeft K

Flavored Tobacco and Nicotine Use Among California Adolescents: Preferences by Use Experience and Survey Format Effects.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Hoeft KS, Wilkinson ML, Guerra C, Gansky SA, Zhang X, Chaffee BW

Asian Americans' and Pacific Islanders' preferences in recruitment strategies and messaging for participation in the CARE registry: A discrete choice experiment.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Ta Park VM, Grill JD, Tsoh J, Meyer OL, Ameli N, Helman S, Tzuang M, Nam B, Hinton L, Kanaya A, Gallagher-Thompson D, Vuong Q, Bang J, Shin HW, Gansky SA

Flavors increase adolescents' willingness to try nicotine and cannabis vape products.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Chaffee BW, Couch ET, Wilkinson ML, Donaldson CD, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Zhang X, Gansky SA

Quality-Adjusted Life Year Proxies for Caries in Primary Dentition: A Discrete Choice Experiment.

JDR clinical and translational research

Lin TK, Zarate DEA, Iribarren N, Lindau H, Ramos-Gomez F, Gansky SA

Calibration and reliability testing of a novel asynchronous photographic plaque scoring system in young children.

Journal of public health dentistry

Avenetti DM, Martin MA, Gansky SA, Ramos-Gomez FJ, Hyde S, Van Horn R, Jue B, Rosales GF, Cheng NF, Shiboski CH

Intimate Partner Violence and Orofacial Injuries in a Multi-School Dental Data Repository.

Journal of dental education

Banava S, Lippman SA, Schenk G, Gansky SA

Unexpected benefits of and lessons learned from shifting to virtual focus group discussions in the BEECON trial.

BMC research notes

Lindau H, Ramos-Gomez F, Garza J, Finlayson T, Pareja M, Liu J, Gansky S

Integrating Oral, Physical, and Mental Health Via Public Health Literacy.

Health literacy research and practice

Schillinger D, Banava S, Gansky SA

Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Research and Education (CARE): A recruitment registry for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, aging and caregiver-related research.

Alzheimer's & Dementia

Van Ta Park, Oanh L Meyer, Janice Y Tsoh, Quyen Vuong, Joon Bang, Ladson Hinton, Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, Alka Kanaya, Stuart Gansky, Joshua D Grill, Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Research and Education

COVID-19 Impact on Community-Based Participatory Randomized Controlled Trials—Lessons From the Oral Health Disparities in Children Consortium.

Frontiers in Dental Medicine

Francisco J. Ramos-Gomez, Molly A. Martin, Suchitra S. Nelson, Belinda Borrelli, Michelle M. Henshaw, Shelley Curtan, Helen E. Lindau, Nicolle Rueras, Anna S. Sandoval, Stuart A. Gansky

Coronavirus Disease Update on Epidemiology, Virology, and Prevention.

Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995)

Banava S, Gansky SA, Reddy MS

Functional adaptation of interradicular alveolar bone to reduced chewing loads on dentoalveolar joints in rats.

Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials

Family monetary incentives as a value-based care model for oral hygiene: rationale and design of the BEhavioral EConomics for Oral health iNnovation (BEECON) trial.

Journal of public health dentistry

Ramos-Gomez F, White JS, Lindau HE, Lin TK, Finlayson TL, Liu JX, Gansky SA

Ectopic biomineralization in kidney stone formers compared to non-stone formers.

Translational Andrology and Urology

Fernandez AM, Sherer BA, Gansky SA, Mena JD, Srirangapatanam S, Wiener SV, Chi T, Ho SP, Stoller ML

Perspectives on meeting the COVID-19 testing challenge: A dental school collaborative.

Journal of dental education

R. Bruce Donoff, Mark Poznansky, David Kochman, Bruce Lieberthal, Seema Bhansali, Allison Neale, Daniel Bryant, Robert Glickman, Amr Moursi, Cecile A. Feldman, Daniel Fine, Steve Kess, Michael C. Alfano, Ari Levy, Amid Ismail, Thomas Rams, Michael Reddy, Stuart Gansky, Rai Ramneek, Laurie K. McCauley, Robert Eber, Mark Wolff, Harlan Krumholz

Monetary incentives for improving smartphone-measured oral hygiene behaviors in young children: A randomized pilot trial.

PloS one

White JS, Ramos-Gomez F, Liu JX, Jue B, Finlayson TL, Garza JR, Crawford AH, Helman S, Santo W, Cheng J, Kahn JG, Gansky SA

A new Mentor Evaluation Tool: Evidence of validity.

PloS one

Yukawa M, Gansky SA, O'Sullivan P, Teherani A, Feldman MD

What Can We Learn from Parents of Caries-Free and Caries-Active Hispanic Children?

JDR clinical and translational research

Tiwari T, Rai NK, Wilson AR, Gansky SA, Albino J

Design and sample characteristics of COordinated Oral health Promotion (CO-OP) Chicago: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.

Contemporary clinical trials

Martin MA, Zimmerman LJ, Rosales GF, Lee HH, Songthangtham N, Pugach O, Sandoval AS, Avenetti D, Alvarez G, Gansky SA

Review of Safety, Frequency and Intervals of Preventive Fluoride Varnish Application for Children.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Lisa H. Berens, Mimansa Cholera, Deborah Elam, Susan A. Fisher-Owens, Margaret Fisher, Stuart A. Gansky, Irene V. Hilton, Kara Lugtu, Robert Isman, Elaine Musselman, Howard Pollick, Ling Zhan

A qualitative study of the multi-level influences on oral hygiene practices for young children in an Early Head Start program.

BMC oral health

Finlayson TL, Cabudol M, Liu JX, Garza JR, Gansky SA, Ramos-Gomez F

Developing and Testing Electronic Health Record-Derived Caries Indices.

Caries research

White JM, Mertz EA, Mullins JM, Even JB, Guy T, Blaga E, Kottek AM, Kumar SV, Bangar S, Vaderhobli R, Brandon R, Santo W, Jenson L, Gansky SA

At the crossroads of oral health inequities and precision public health.

Journal of public health dentistry

Gansky SA, Shafik S

Constructing Matched Groups in Dental Observational Health Disparity Studies for Causal Effects.

JDR clinical and translational research

Cheng J, Gregorich SE, Gansky SA, Fisher-Owens SA, Kottek AM, White JM, Mertz EA

Predictors of Smokeless Tobacco Susceptibility, Initiation, and Progression Over Time Among Adolescents in a Rural Cohort.

Substance use & misuse

Chaffee BW, Couch ET, Urata J, Gansky SA, Essex G, Cheng J

Review of safety, frequency and intervals of fluoride varnish application for children

J Calif Dent Assoc

Berens LH, Cholera M, Elam D, Fisher-Owens SA, Fisher M, Gansky SA, Hilton IV, Lugtu K, Isman R, Musselman E, Pollick H, Zhan L

Oral Health Disparities in Children: A Canary in the Coalmine?

Pediatric clinics of North America

Watt RG, Mathur MR, Aida J, Bönecker M, Venturelli R, Gansky SA

Relationship between autoantibody associated with rheumatoid arthritis and tooth loss.


Hayashi Y, Taylor G, Yoshihara A, Iwasaki M, Gansky SA, Miyazaki H

A novel approach for effective integration of new faculty leadership.

Journal of healthcare leadership

Hastings NB, Centore LS, Gansky SA, Finzen FC, White JM, Wong E, Marshall GW, Chung L, Kalenderian E

Case Study: School-Based Oral Health Screening in San Francisco as an Essential Public Health Service.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Jodi D. Stookey, Margaret Fisher, Lisa H. Chung, Stuart A. Gansky, Mary Jue, Susan A. Fisher-Owens, Deborah Elam, Christine E. Miller, Claire Sit, Prasanthi Patel, Irene V. Hilton

Mediation analysis for count and zero-inflated count data without sequential ignorability and its application in dental studies.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics

Guo Z, Small DS, Gansky SA, Cheng J

Perceived Flavored Smokeless Tobacco Ease-of-use and Youth Susceptibility.

Tobacco regulatory science

Chaffee BW, Urata J, Couch ET, Gansky SA

Adolescents' smokeless tobacco susceptibility by perceived professional baseball players' use.

Journal of public health dentistry

Chaffee BW, Couch ET, Gansky SA

The basic research factors questionnaire for studying early childhood caries.

BMC oral health

Albino J, Tiwari T, Gansky SA, Henshaw MM, Barker JC, Brega AG, Gregorich SE, Heaton B, Batliner TS, Borrelli B, Geltman P, Kressin NR, Weintraub JA, Finlayson TL, Garcia RI

Dental Students' Clinical Experience Across Three Successive Curricula at One U.S. Dental School.

Journal of dental education

White JM, Jenson LE, Gansky SA, Walsh CJ, Accurso BT, Vaderhobli RM, Kalenderian E, Walji MF, Cheng J

Absence of Fluoride Varnish-Related Adverse Events in Caries Prevention Trials in Young Children, United States.

Preventing chronic disease

Garcia RI, Gregorich SE, Ramos-Gomez F, Braun PA, Wilson A, Albino J, Tiwari T, Harper M, Batliner TS, Rasmussen M, Cheng NF, Santo W, Geltman PL, Henshaw M, Gansky SA

Mediation analysis for count and zero-inflated count data.

Statistical Methods in Medical Research

Cheng J, Cheng NF, Guo Z, Gregorich S, Ismail AI, Gansky SA

Retention strategies for health disparities preventive trials: findings from the Early Childhood Caries Collaborating Centers.

Journal of public health dentistry

Garcia RI, Tiwari T, Ramos-Gomez F, Heaton B, Orozco M, Rasmussen M, Braun P, Henshaw M, Borrelli B, Albino J, Diamond C, Gebel C, Batliner TS, Barker JC, Gregorich S, Gansky SA

Caries Risk Assessment Item Importance: Risk Designation and Caries Status in Children under Age 6.

JDR clinical and translational research

Chaffee BW, Featherstone JD, Gansky SA, Cheng J, Zhan L

Geography matters: state-level variation in children's oral health care access and oral health status.

Public health

Fisher-Owens SA, Soobader MJ, Gansky SA, Isong IA, Weintraub JA, Platt LJ, Newacheck PW

The changing tobacco landscape: What dental professionals need to know.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Couch ET, Chaffee BW, Gansky SA, Walsh MM

National Lupus Hospitalization Trends Reveal Rising Rates of Herpes Zoster and Declines in Pneumocystis Pneumonia.

PloS one

Murray SG, Schmajuk G, Trupin L, Gensler L, Katz PP, Yelin EH, Gansky SA, Yazdany J

Strontium effects on root dentin tubule occlusion and nanomechanical properties.

Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials

Saeki K, Marshall GW, Gansky SA, Parkinson CR, Marshall SJ

Oral Health Prevention and Toddler Well-Child Care: Routine Integration in a Safety Net System.


Dooley D, Moultrie NM, Heckman B, Gansky SA, Potter MB, Walsh MM

Income gradients in oral health according to child age.

European journal of oral sciences

Bernabé E, Sabbah W, Delgado-Angulo EK, Murasko JE, Gansky SA

Examination criteria and calibration procedures for prevention trials of the Early Childhood Caries Collaborating Centers.

Journal of public health dentistry

Warren JJ, Weber-Gasparoni K, Tinanoff N, Batliner TS, Jue B, Santo W, Garcia RI, Gansky SA

Conditional risk assessment of adolescents' electronic cigarette perceptions.

American journal of health behavior

Chaffee BW, Gansky SA, Halpern-Felsher B, Couch ET, Essex G, Walsh MM

Understanding treatment effect mechanisms of the CAMBRA randomized trial in reducing caries increment.

Journal of dental research

Cheng J, Chaffee BW, Cheng NF, Gansky SA, Featherstone JD

Recruitment for health disparities preventive intervention trials: the early childhood caries collaborating centers.

Preventing chronic disease

Tiwari T, Casciello A, Gansky SA, Henshaw M, Ramos-Gomez F, Rasmussen M, Garcia RI, Albino J, Batliner TS

Adaptive properties of human cementum and cementum dentin junction with age.

Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials

Jang AT, Lin JD, Choi RM, Choi EM, Seto ML, Ryder MI, Gansky SA, Curtis DA, Ho SP

Dental utilization by children in Hispanic agricultural worker families in California.

Journal of dental, oral and craniofacial epidemiology

Finlayson TL, Gansky SA, Shain SG, Weintraub JA

Maternal oral bacterial levels predict early childhood caries development.

Journal of dental research

Chaffee BW, Gansky SA, Weintraub JA, Featherstone JD, Ramos-Gomez FJ

Improving Patient Care Using the Johnson-Neyman Analysis of Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects According to Individuals' Baseline Characteristics.

Journal of dental, oral and craniofacial epidemiology

Lazar AA, Gansky SA, Halstead DD, Slajs A, Weintraub JA

Clinically determined and self-reported dental status during and after pregnancy among low-income Hispanic women.

Journal of public health dentistry

Weintraub JA, Finlayson TL, Gansky SA, Santo W, Ramos-Gomez F

Long-term outcomes of a dental postbaccalaureate program: increasing dental student diversity and oral health care access.

Journal of dental education

Wides CD, Brody HA, Alexander CJ, Gansky SA, Mertz EA

An examination of racial/ethnic disparities in children's oral health in the United States.

Journal of public health dentistry

Fisher-Owens SA, Isong IA, Soobader MJ, Gansky SA, Weintraub JA, Platt LJ, Newacheck PW

Racial disparity trends in children's dental visits: US National Health Interview Survey, 1964-2010.


Isong IA, Soobader MJ, Fisher-Owens SA, Weintraub JA, Gansky SA, Platt LJ, Newacheck PW

Dentists' attitudes, behaviors, and barriers related to tobacco-use cessation in the dental setting.

Journal of public health dentistry

Prakash P, Belek MG, Grimes B, Silverstein S, Meckstroth R, Heckman B, Weintraub JA, Gansky SA, Walsh MM

Functional remineralization of dentin lesions using polymer-induced liquid-precursor process.

PloS one

Burwell AK, Thula-Mata T, Gower LB, Habelitz S, Habeliz S, Kurylo M, Ho SP, Chien YC, Cheng J, Cheng NF, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW

Deep and superficial masseter muscle blood flow in women.

Journal of prosthodontics : official journal of the American College of Prosthodontists

Curtis DA, Gansky SA, Plesh O

The effect of training on the use of tobacco-use cessation guidelines in dental settings.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Walsh MM, Belek M, Prakash P, Grimes B, Heckman B, Kaufman N, Meckstroth R, Kavanagh C, Murray J, Weintraub JA, Silverstein S, Gansky SA

Parental functional health literacy relates to skip pattern questionnaire error and to child oral health.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Garrett GM, Citi AM, Gansky SA

Age-related adaptation of bone-PDL-tooth complex: Rattus-Norvegicus as a model system.

PloS one

Leong NL, Hurng JM, Djomehri SI, Gansky SA, Ryder MI, Ho SP

Caregiver acceptability and preferences for preventive dental treatments for young African-American children.

Journal of public health dentistry

Adams SH, Rowe CR, Gansky SA, Cheng NF, Barker JC, Hyde S

A randomized clinical trial of anticaries therapies targeted according to risk assessment (caries management by risk assessment).

Caries research

Featherstone JD, White JM, Hoover CI, Rapozo-Hilo M, Weintraub JA, Wilson RS, Zhan L, Gansky SA

Longitudinal study of the impact of incident organ manifestations and increased disease activity on work loss among persons with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Arthritis care & research

Yelin E, Tonner C, Trupin L, Gansky SA, Julian L, Katz P, Yazdany J, Kaiser R, Criswell LA

Chronic Pain in a Biracial Cohort of Young Women.

The open pain journal

Plesh O, Gansky SA, Curtis DA

Mother and youth access (MAYA) maternal chlorhexidine, counselling and paediatric fluoride varnish randomized clinical trial to prevent early childhood caries.

International journal of paediatric dentistry

Ramos-Gomez FJ, Gansky SA, Featherstone JD, Jue B, Gonzalez-Beristain R, Santo W, Martinez E, Weintraub JA

Racial and ethnic disparities in disease activity and function among persons with rheumatoid arthritis from university-affiliated clinics.

Arthritis care & research

Barton JL, Trupin L, Schillinger D, Gansky SA, Tonner C, Margaretten M, Chernitskiy V, Graf J, Imboden J, Yelin E

Brief index of lupus damage: a patient-reported measure of damage in systemic lupus erythematosus.

Arthritis care & research

Yazdany J, Trupin L, Gansky SA, Dall'era M, Yelin EH, Criswell LA, Katz PP

Dose-Weighted Adjusted Mantel-Haenszel Tests for Numeric Scaled Strata in a Randomized Trial.

Statistics in biopharmaceutical research

Gansky SA, Cheng NF, Koch GG

Cross-sectional human mandibular morphology as assessed in vivo by cone-beam computed tomography in patients with different vertical facial dimensions.

American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics

Swasty D, Lee J, Huang JC, Maki K, Gansky SA, Hatcher D, Miller AJ

Chronic pain in the community: a survey in a township in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Igumbor EU, Puoane TR, Gansky SA, Plesh O.

Prevalence and risk indicators of chronic pain in a rural community in South Africa

J Rural and Tropical Public Health

Igumbor EU, Puoane T, Gansky SA, Plesh P

Racial/Ethnic and gender prevalences in reported common pains in a national sample.

Journal of orofacial pain

Plesh O, Adams SH, Gansky SA

Language and literacy relate to lack of children's dental sealant use.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Mejia GC, Weintraub JA, Cheng NF, Grossman W, Han PZ, Phipps KR, Gansky SA

Mothers' caries increases odds of children's caries.

Journal of dental research

Weintraub JA, Prakash P, Shain SG, Laccabue M, Gansky SA

Smokeless tobacco cessation cluster randomized trial with rural high school males: intervention interaction with baseline smoking.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Walsh MM, Langer TJ, Kavanagh N, Mansell C, MacDougal W, Kavanagh C, Gansky SA

Comparative analysis of traditional radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography volumetric images in the diagnosis and treatment planning of maxillary impacted canines.

American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics

Haney E, Gansky SA, Lee JS, Johnson E, Maki K, Miller AJ, Huang JC

Assessing a multilevel model of young children's oral health with national survey data.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Bramlett MD, Soobader MJ, Fisher-Owens SA, Weintraub JA, Gansky SA, Platt LJ, Newacheck PW

Dental utilization among Hispanic adults in agricultural worker families in California's Central Valley.

Journal of public health dentistry

Finlayson TL, Gansky SA, Shain SG, Weintraub JA

Assessment of the validity of HLD (CalMod) in identifying orthodontic treatment need.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Cooke M, Gerbert B, Gansky S, Miller A, Nelson G, Orellana M

Parental perception of oral health status of children in mainstream and special education classrooms.

Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry

Butani Y, Gansky SA, Weintraub JA

Missing Data and Informative Cluster Sizes.

Stuart A. Gansky,John M. Neuhaus

Anthropometric analysis of the human mandibular cortical bone as assessed by cone-beam computed tomography.

Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Swasty D, Lee JS, Huang JC, Maki K, Gansky SA, Hatcher D, Miller AJ

Dentin caries zones: mineral, structure, and properties.

Journal of dental research

Pugach MK, Strother J, Darling CL, Fried D, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW

Developing an acceptability assessment of preventive dental treatments.

Journal of public health dentistry

Hyde S, Gansky SA, Gonzalez-Vargas MJ, Husting SR, Cheng NF, Millstein SG, Adams SH

Patterns and correlates of spit tobacco use among high school males in rural California.

Journal of public health dentistry

Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Kavanagh C, Isong U, Walsh MM

Tobacco control in pediatric dental practices: a survey of practitioners.

Pediatric dentistry

Yee C, Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Miller AJ, Walsh MM

Methods and software for estimating health disparities: the case of children's oral health.

American journal of epidemiology

Cheng NF, Han PZ, Gansky SA

A novel approach in assessment of coronal leakage of intraorifice barriers: a saliva leakage and micro-computed tomographic evaluation.

Journal of endodontics

Zakizadeh P, Marshall SJ, Hoover CI, Peters OA, Noblett WC, Gansky SA, Goodis HE

Interactive "Video Doctor" counseling reduces drug and sexual risk behaviors among HIV-positive patients in diverse outpatient settings.

PloS one

Gilbert P, Ciccarone D, Gansky SA, Bangsberg DR, Clanon K, McPhee SJ, Calderón SH, Bogetz A, Gerbert B

Giving policy some teeth: routes to reducing disparities in oral health.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Fisher-Owens SA, Barker JC, Adams S, Chung LH, Gansky SA, Hyde S, Weintraub JA

Recruiting and retaining pregnant women from a community health center at the US-Mexico border for the Mothers and Youth Access clinical trial.

Clinical trials (London, England)

Ramos-Gomez F, Chung LH, Gonzalez Beristain R, Santo W, Jue B, Weintraub J, Gansky S

Dental students' knowledge, attitudes, and intended behaviors regarding caries risk assessment: impact of years of education and patient age.

Journal of dental education

Calderón SH, Gilbert P, Zeff RN, Gansky SA, Featherstone JD, Weintraub JA, Gerbert B

Caries risk assessment appropriate for the age 1 visit (infants and toddlers).

Journal of the California Dental Association

Ramos-Gomez FJ, Crall J, Gansky SA, Slayton RL, Featherstone JD

Influences on children's oral health: a conceptual model.


Fisher-Owens SA, Gansky SA, Platt LJ, Weintraub JA, Soobader MJ, Bramlett MD, Newacheck PW

Periotest comes with many false alarms for predicting early implant loss.

The journal of evidence-based dental practice

Becker W, Gansky SA

Widespread pain and fibromyalgia in a biracial cohort of young women.

The Journal of rheumatology

Gansky SA, Plesh O

Umwandlung dreidimensionaler Cone-Beam CT-Daten in rekonstruierte Fernröntgenseitenaufnahmen.

Informationen aus Orthodontie & Kieferorthopädie

L. Jolley, J. Huang, K. Maki, S. Gansky, A. Miller, D. Hatcher

Caries risk assessment in an educational environment.

Journal of dental education

Doméjean-Orliaguet S, Gansky SA, Featherstone JD

Changing dentists' knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding domestic violence through an interactive multimedia tutorial.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Hsieh NK, Herzig K, Gansky SA, Danley D, Gerbert B

Characteristics of adolescent smoking in high school students in California.

Journal of dental hygiene : JDH

Ellison J, Mansell C, Hoika L, MacDougall W, Gansky S, Walsh M

Fluoride varnish efficacy in preventing early childhood caries.

Journal of dental research

Weintraub JA, Ramos-Gomez F, Jue B, Shain S, Hoover CI, Featherstone JD, Gansky SA

Antibacterial treatment needed for severe early childhood caries.

Journal of public health dentistry

Zhan L, Featherstone JD, Gansky SA, Hoover CI, Fujino T, Berkowitz RJ, Den Besten PK

Development and evaluation of a tobacco cessation motivational program for adolescents based on physical attractiveness and oral health.

Journal of dental hygiene : JDH

Semer N, Ellison J, Mansell C, Hoika L, MacDougall W, Gansky SA, Walsh MM

Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of An Athletic Trainer-Directed Spit (Smokeless) Tobacco Intervention for Collegiate Baseball Athletes: Results After 1 Year.

Journal of athletic training

Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Rudy D, Bergert N, Letendre MA, Nelson L, Kavanagh C, Walsh MM

Effect of hydration variability on hybrid layer properties of a self-etching versus an acid-etching system.


Schulze KA, Oliveira SA, Wilson RS, Gansky SA, Marshall GW, Marshall SJ

Salivary fluoride levels following application of fluoride varnish or fluoride rinse.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Eakle WS, Featherstone JD, Weintraub JA, Shain SG, Gansky SA

Comparison between traditional 2-dimensional cephalometry and a 3-dimensional approach on human dry skulls.

American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics

Adams GL, Gansky SA, Miller AJ, Harrell WE, Hatcher DC

Reliability and validity of a manual dexterity test to predict preclinical grades.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Pritchard H, Kahl E, Mendoza D, Bird W, Miller AJ, Graham D

The effect of a self-etching primer on the continuous demineralization of dentin.

European journal of oral sciences

Oliveira SS, Marshall SJ, Habelitz S, Gansky SA, Wilson RS, Marshall GW

Bonded amalgam sealants and adhesive resin sealants: five-year clinical results.

Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985)

Staninec M, Artiga N, Gansky SA, Marshall GW, Eakle S

Preparing dental students to recognize and respond to domestic violence: the impact of a brief tutorial.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Danley D, Gansky SA, Chow D, Gerbert B

Pulpal safety of 9.6 microm TEA CO2 laser used for caries prevention.

Lasers in surgery and medicine

Goodis HE, Fried D, Gansky S, Rechmann P, Featherstone JD

Color stability and hardness in dental composites after accelerated aging.

Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials

Schulze KA, Marshall SJ, Gansky SA, Marshall GW

The association of early childhood caries and race/ethnicity among California preschool children.

Journal of public health dentistry

Shiboski CH, Gansky SA, Ramos-Gomez F, Ngo L, Isman R, Pollick HF

Chronic pain in a biracial population of young women.


Plesh O, Crawford PB, Gansky SA

Specific fibronectin fragments as markers of periodontal disease status.

Journal of periodontology

Huynh QN, Wang S, Tafolla E, Gansky SA, Kapila S, Armitage GC, Kapila YL

Oral screening and brief spit tobacco cessation counseling: a review and findings.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Kavanagh C, Hilton JF, Walsh MM

Domestic violence compared to other health risks: a survey of physicians' beliefs and behaviors.

American journal of preventive medicine

Gerbert B, Gansky SA, Tang JW, McPhee SJ, Carlton R, Herzig K, Danley D, Caspers N

Bacterial, behavioral and environmental factors associated with early childhood caries.

The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry

Ramos-Gomez FJ, Weintraub JA, Gansky SA, Hoover CI, Featherstone JD

Ultimate tensile strength of dentin: Evidence for a damage mechanics approach to dentin failure.

Journal of biomedical materials research

Staninec M, Marshall GW, Hilton JF, Pashley DH, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ, Kinney JH

Assessing bias of multicenter trials with incomplete treatment allocation.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Stuart A. Gansky,Gary G. Koch

Etching characteristics of dentin: effect of ferric chloride in citric acid.

Journal of oral rehabilitation

Saeki K, Marshall SJ, Gansky SA, Marshall GW

Demineralization of caries-affected transparent dentin by citric acid: an atomic force microscopy study.

Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials

Marshall GW, Chang YJ, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ

Mechanical properties of the dentinoenamel junction: AFM studies of nanohardness, elastic modulus, and fracture.

Journal of biomedical materials research

Marshall GW, Balooch M, Gallagher RR, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ

Citric acid etching of cervical sclerotic dentin lesions: an AFM study.

Journal of biomedical materials research

Marshall GW, Chang YJ, Saeki K, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ

AFM study of citric acid-ferric chloride etching characteristics of dentin.

American journal of dentistry

Marshall GW, Saeki K, Gansky SA, Marshall SJ

The relationship between chronic facial pain and a history of trauma and surgery.

Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics

Plesh O, Gansky SA, Curtis DA, Pogrel MA

Complex sampling: implications for data analysis.

Journal of public health dentistry

Caplan DJ, Slade GD, Gansky SA

Failure load of acrylic resin denture teeth bonded to high impact acrylic resins.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

Barpal D, Curtis DA, Finzen F, Perry J, Gansky SA

School-based interventions improve heart health in children with multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors.


Harrell JS, Gansky SA, McMurray RG, Bangdiwala SI, Frauman AC, Bradley CB

Two-year incidence of tooth loss among South Australians aged 60+ years.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Slade GD, Gansky SA, Spencer AJ

Leisure time activities of elementary school children.

Nursing research

Harrell JS, Gansky SA, Bradley CB, McMurray RG

Statistical Considerations for Multiplicity in Confirmatory Protocols.

Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science

Gary G. Koch,Stuart A. Gansky

Childhood obesity elevates blood pressure and total cholesterol independent of physical activity.

International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity

McMurray RG, Harrell JS, Levine AA, Gansky SA

Assessing the effectiveness of lay health advisors with migrant farmworkers.

Family & Community Health

Elizabeth L. Watkins, Christina Harlan, Eugenia Eng, Stuart A. Gansky, Diane Gehan, Kim Larson

Predictive value of the signal-averaged electrocardiogram for early mortality after acute myocardial infarction

Coronary Artery Disease

Eldar M, Leor J, Hod H, Abboud S, Truman S, Gansky S, Goldbourt U, Kaplinsky E, Rotstein Z

Effects of thrombolysis on the 12-lead signal-averaged ECG in the early postinfarction period.

American heart journal

Leor J, Hod H, Rotstein Z, Truman S, Gansky S, Goldbourt U, Abboud S, Kaplinsky E, Eldar M