August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023
Public Comments on FDA Public Meeting and Listening Session for Developing FDA's Center for Tobacco Products' Strategic Plan
On Friday, August 25, 2023 UCSF TCORS submitted six public comments following the FDA’s Public Meeting and Listening Session for Developing their Center for Tobacco Products' Strategic Plan. The Public Meeting and Listening Session took place on Tuesday, August 24th.
The public comments were submitted to and have been posted to the CTCRE’s List of Public Comments.
Links to the individual comments:
- CTP should finalize its updated list of Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents by December 2023
- CTP should finalize the proposed rules prohibiting menthol in cigarettes and prohibiting characterizing flavors in cigars, and the rules should include menthol analogs with cooling agents that mimic menthol
- FDA should prioritize direct measures of health and behavioral effects over indirect measures or assumptions in making regulatory decisions
- Suggested approaches CTP to make new produce application process more efficient and effective, and better protect the health of youth and other priority populations and be more transparent.
- CTP should advance and finalize a rule setting a product standard for a maximum allowable level of nicotine in tobacco products
- CTP should actively integrate the relationship between cannabis and tobacco use into its tobacco regulation and proactively identify regulatory approaches from tobacco product regulation that can be applied to cannabis
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