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Bellagio report on healthy agriculture, healthy nutrition, healthy people

Simopoulos AP, Bourne PG, Faergeman O, Adrus, J, Christopher G, Clay WD, Gopalan, S, Jaffe R, Johnson RJ, Kosko L, Legrand, P, Li D, Marcos A, Peniston AM, Rehnborg S, Laura A. Schmidt, Scott I, Tontisirin K, Waitzberg DL. Bellagio report on healthy agriculture, healthy nutrition, healthy people. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 2013; (6):34-42.


Simopoulos AP, Bourne PG, Faergeman O, Adrus, J, Christopher G, Clay WD, Gopalan, S, Jaffe R, Johnson RJ, Kosko L, Legrand, P, Li D, Marcos A, Peniston AM, Rehnborg S, Laura A. Schmidt, Scott I, Tontisirin K, Waitzberg DL