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Drug and alcohol dependence

Transitions in polydrug use among heroin and methamphetamine injectors in Tijuana, Mexico.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Meredith C. Meacham,Karla D. Wagner,Timothy Mackey,T.L. Patterson,Steffanie Strathdee,Scott Roesch

The medication research partnership.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Dennis McCarty, R. Croff, M. Chalk, K. Alanis-Hirsch, J. Kemp, J. Ford, K. Johnson, L. Schmidt

Polydrug use and risk of blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections among heroin IDUs in Tijuana, Mexico.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Meredith C. Meacham, K.C. Brouwer, M.L. Rusch, T.L. Patterson, M. Lozada, A. Vera, Steffanie Strathdee, S.C. Roesch

Polydrug use and risk of blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections among heroin IDUs in Tijuana, Mexico.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Meredith C. Meacham,K.C. Brouwer,M.L. Rusch,T.L. Patterson,M. Lozada,A. Vera,Steffanie Strathdee,S.C. Roesch

Applicability of Type A/B alcohol dependence in the general population.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Tam TW, Mulia N, Schmidt LA

Alcohol and tobacco use disorder comorbidity in young adults and the influence of romantic partner environments.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Meacham MC, Bailey JA, Hill KG, Epstein M, Hawkins JD

Correlates of injection drug use among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.S. border cities.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Strathdee SA, Philbin MM, Semple SJ, Pu M, Orozovich P, Martinez G, Lozada R, Fraga M, de la Torre A, Staines H, Magis-Rodríguez C, Patterson TL

Clinical pharmacology of oral cotinine.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Zevin S, Jacob P, Geppetti P, Benowitz NL
