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Effects of high fructose corn syrup and sucrose on the pharmacokinetics of fructose and acute metabolic and hemodynamic responses in healthy subjects

Le, M.T., Frye, R.F., Rivard, C.J., Cheng, J., McFann, K.K., Segal, M.S., Johnson, R.J., and Johnson, J.A. (2012).. Effects of high fructose corn syrup and sucrose on the pharmacokinetics of fructose and acute metabolic and hemodynamic responses in healthy subjects. Metabolism, 61(5):641-651. 2012.


Le, M.T., Frye, R.F., Rivard, C.J., Cheng, J., McFann, K.K., Segal, M.S., Johnson, R.J., and Johnson, J.A. (2012).