Frontiers in psychiatry

Causal discovery replicates symptomatic and functional interrelations of posttraumatic stress across five patient populations.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Pierce B, Kirsh T, Ferguson AR, Neylan TC, Ma S, Kummerfeld E, Cohen BE, Nielson JL

A Roadmap for Integrating Neuroscience Into Addiction Treatment: A Consensus of the Neuroscience Interest Group of the International Society of Addiction Medicine.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Verdejo-Garcia A, Lorenzetti V, Manning V, Piercy H, Bruno R, Hester R, Pennington D, Tolomeo S, Arunogiri S, Bates ME, Bowden-Jones H, Campanella S, Daughters SB, Kouimtsidis C, Lubman DI, Meyerhoff DJ, Ralph A, Rezapour T, Tavakoli H, Zare-Bidoky M, Zilverstand A, Steele D, Moeller SJ, Paulus M, Baldacchino A, Ekhtiari H