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Impact of survey item wording on reported tobacco use among youth: effect of adding ‘even one or two puffs’ to use questions.

Benjamin W. Chaffee, Lauren M. Dutra, Candice D. Donaldson, Elizabeth T. Couch, Omara Farooq, Xueying Zhang, Stuart A. Gansky. Impact of survey item wording on reported tobacco use among youth: effect of adding ‘even one or two puffs’ to use questions. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2024 Feb 20; ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print):1-6.


Benjamin W. Chaffee, Lauren M. Dutra, Candice D. Donaldson, Elizabeth T. Couch, Omara Farooq, Xueying Zhang, Stuart A. Gansky