JAMA internal medicine

Miscategorization of Deaths in the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Events Database.

JAMA internal medicine

Meier L, Wang EY, Tomes M, Redberg RF

Clinician-Family Communication About Patients' Values and Preferences in Intensive Care Units.

JAMA internal medicine

Scheunemann LP, Ernecoff NC, Buddadhumaruk P, Carson SS, Hough CL, Curtis JR, Anderson WG, Steingrub J, Lo B, Matthay M, Arnold RM, White DB

JAMA Internal Medicine-The Year in Review, 2018.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

State Preemption to Prevent Local Taxation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages.

JAMA internal medicine

Crosbie E, Schillinger D, Schmidt LA

Lisa M. Schwartz, MD, MS, 1963-2018.

JAMA internal medicine

Steinbrook R, Redberg RF

Retail Clinics Provide Important Antibiotic Stewardship-Reply.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF, Incze M, Katz MH

Development of a Conceptual Map of Negative Consequences for Patients of Overuse of Medical Tests and Treatments.

JAMA internal medicine

Korenstein D, Chimonas S, Barrow B, Keyhani S, Troy A, Lipitz-Snyderman A
