Journal of general internal medicine

Acute Cardiovascular Effects of Marijuana Use.

Journal of general internal medicine

Ghasemiesfe M, Ravi D, Casino T, Korenstein D, Keyhani S

Predictors of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events with Smoking Cessation Medications in the Randomized Controlled EAGLES Trial.

Journal of general internal medicine

Anthenelli RM, Gaffney M, Benowitz NL, West R, McRae T, Russ C, Lawrence D, St Aubin L, Krishen A, Evins AE

Validation of Administrative Measures of Social and Behavioral Risk in Veterans Affairs Medical Records.

Journal of general internal medicine

Wray CM, Vali M, Abraham A, Zhang A, Walter LC, Keyhani S

"Comparing VA and Non-VA Care Quality".

Journal of general internal medicine

Wray CM, Lopez L, Keyhani S

Perceptions of the Comparative Safety of Different Forms of Marijuana Use Among the Adult US Population.

Journal of general internal medicine

Yoo SR, Dollinger C, Vali M, Steigerwald S, Cohen BE, Ishida JH, Keyhani S

The Form and Content of Cannabis Products in the United States.

Journal of general internal medicine

Steigerwald S, Wong PO, Khorasani A, Keyhani S

Media Content Analysis of Marijuana's Health Effects in News Coverage.

Journal of general internal medicine

Abraham A, Zhang AJ, Ahn R, Woodbridge A, Korenstein D, Keyhani S

What Constitutes an Independent Statistical Analysis?

Journal of general internal medicine

Abraham A, Ahn R, Woodbridge A, Madden E, Keyhani S, Korenstein D

A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Spin in Randomized Controlled Trials.

Journal of general internal medicine

Woodbridge A, Abraham A, Ahn R, Saba S, Korenstein D, Madden E, Keyhani S

Reducing barriers to mental health and social services for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: outcomes of an integrated primary care clinic.

Journal of general internal medicine

Seal KH, Cohen G, Bertenthal D, Cohen BE, Maguen S, Daley A
