Journal of psychoactive drugs

Policy and Practice Changes Associated with a Tobacco-Free Initiative in Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Campbell BK, Le T, McCuistian C, Bonniot C, Delucchi K, Guydish J

THC-O-Acetate: Scarce Evidence for a Psychedelic Cannabinoid.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Kruger DJ, Bone CC, Meacham MC, Klein C, Kruger JS

Smoking Behavior and Wellness among Individuals in Substance Use Disorder Treatment.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Pagano A, McCuistian C, Le T, Campbell BK, Delucchi K, Woodward-Lopez G, Guydish J

Self-reported Changes in Cannabis Use Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Nguyen N, Keyhani S, Ling PM, Hoggatt KJ, Hasin D, Cohen BE

Self-reported Changes in Cannabis Use Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Nguyen N, Keyhani S, Ling PM, Hoggatt KJ, Hasin D, Cohen BE.

Racial/Ethnic Differences in Tobacco Use and Cessation Services among Individuals in Substance Use Treatment.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

McCuistian C, Le T, Delucchi K, Pagano A, Hosakote S, Guydish J

Civic Engagement in California Cannabis Policy Development.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Bowling C, Glantz SA
