PLos Medicine

Development, characterization, and replication of proteomic aging clocks: Analysis of 2 population-based cohorts.

PLos Medicine

Wang S, Rao Z, Cao R, Blaes AH, Coresh J, Deo R, Dubin R, Joshu CE, Lehallier B, Lutsey PL, Pankow JS, Post WS, Rotter JI, Sedaghat S, Tang W, Thyagarajan B, Walker KA, Ganz P, Platz EA, Guan W, Prizment A

School racial segregation and long-term cardiovascular health among black adults in the US: A quasi-experimental study.

PLos Medicine

Kim MH, Schwartz GL, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon SF, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Collin DF, Inamdar P, Wang G, Hamad R

Projected costs of single-payer healthcare financing in the United States: A systematic review of economic analyses.

PLos Medicine

Cai C, Runte J, Ostrer I, Berry K, Ponce N, Rodriguez M, Bertozzi S, White JS, Kahn JG