PloS one

Spatial clustering of patent and sub-patent malaria infections in northern Namibia: Implications for surveillance and response strategies for elimination.

PloS one

Smith JL, Auala J, Tambo M, Haindongo E, Katokele S, Uusiku P, Gosling R, Kleinschmidt I, Mumbengegwi D, Sturrock HJW

Spatial clustering of patent and sub-patent malaria infections in northern Namibia: Implications for surveillance and response strategies for elimination.

PloS one

Smith JL, Auala J, Tambo M, Haindongo E, Katokele S, Uusiku P, Gosling R, Kleinschmidt I, Mumbengegwi D, Sturrock HJW

Effects of clinical and environmental factors on bronchoalveolar antibody responses to Pneumocystis jirovecii: A prospective cohort study of HIV+ patients.

PloS one

Blount RJ, Daly KR, Fong S, Chang E, Grieco K, Greene M, Stone S, Balmes J, Miller RF, Walzer PD, Huang L

Effects of clinical and environmental factors on bronchoalveolar antibody responses to Pneumocystis jirovecii: A prospective cohort study of HIV+ patients.

PloS one

Blount RJ, Daly KR, Fong S, Chang E, Grieco K, Greene M, Stone S, Balmes J, Miller RF, Walzer PD, Huang L

Self-reported racial/ethnic discrimination and bronchodilator response in African American youth with asthma.

PloS one

Carlson S, Borrell LN, Eng C, Nguyen M, Thyne S, LeNoir MA, Burke-Harris N, Burchard EG, Thakur N

Self-reported racial/ethnic discrimination and bronchodilator response in African American youth with asthma.

PloS one

Carlson S, Borrell LN, Eng C, Nguyen M, Thyne S, LeNoir MA, Burke-Harris N, Burchard EG, Thakur N

Validation of two multiplex platforms to quantify circulating markers of inflammation and endothelial injury in severe infection.

PloS one

Leligdowicz A, Conroy AL, Hawkes M, Zhong K, Lebovic G, Matthay MA, Kain KC
