Psychiatry Research

Right and left dorsolateral prefrontal rTMS treatment of refractory depression: a randomized, sham-controlled trial

Psychiatry Research

Triggs W.J., Ricciuti, N., Ward, H.E., Cheng, J., Bowers, D., Goodman, W.K., Kluger, B.M., and Nadeau, S.E. (2010).

Chronic cigarette smoking modulates injury and short-term recovery of the medial temporal lobe in alcoholics.

Psychiatry Research

Gazdzinski S, Durazzo TC, Yeh PH, Hardin D, Banys P, Meyerhoff DJ

Chronic cigarette smoking modulates injury and short-term recovery of the medial temporal lobe in alcoholics.

Psychiatry Research

Gazdzinski S, Durazzo TC, Yeh PH, Hardin D, Banys P, Meyerhoff DJ

Chronic active heavy drinking and family history of problem drinking modulate regional brain tissue volumes.

Psychiatry Research

Cardenas VA, Studholme C, Meyerhoff DJ, Song E, Weiner MW

Chronic active heavy drinking and family history of problem drinking modulate regional brain tissue volumes.

Psychiatry Research

Cardenas VA, Studholme C, Meyerhoff DJ, Song E, Weiner MW

Magnetic resonance detects brainstem changes in chronic, active heavy drinkers.

Psychiatry Research

Bloomer CW, Langleben DD, Meyerhoff DJ

Magnetic resonance detects brainstem changes in chronic, active heavy drinkers.

Psychiatry Research

Bloomer CW, Langleben DD, Meyerhoff DJ
