Substance use & misuse

Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorder Among U.S. Adults with Psychiatric Disorders: 2001-2002 and 2012-2013.

Substance use & misuse

Hasin DS, Mannes ZL, Livne O, Fink DS, Martins SS, Stohl M, Olfson M, Cerdá M, Keyes KM, Keyhani S, Wisell CG, Bujno JM, Saxon A

Identifying Topics Around Nicotine Gum: A Machine Learning Approach with Twitter Data

Substance use & misuse

Eileen Han, Manan Biyani, Mary Hrywna, Scott I Donaldson, Jon-Patrick Allem

Vaping Devices with Video Games.

Substance use & misuse

Unger JB, Vassey J, Soto DW, Galimov A

Adolescents' Experiences and Perceptions of E-Cigarettes and Nicotine Addiction.

Substance use & misuse

Guerra Castillo C, Hoeft KS, Couch ET, Urata J, Halpern-Felsher B, Chaffee BW

Patterns in Tobacco, E-Cigarette, and Cannabis Advertising Exposure Among California Adolescents and Associations With Future Use Expectations.

Substance use & misuse

Chaffee BW, Couch ET, Donaldson CD, Farooq O, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Zhang X, Gansky SA

Evaluation of a Pharmacist-Linked Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Substance use & misuse

De Los Reyes G, Ng A, Valencia Chavez J, Apollonio DE, Kroon L, Lee P, Vijayaraghavan M

Use of Emerging and Conventional Oral Tobacco Among Adolescent and Young Adult E-Cigarette Users.

Substance use & misuse

Couch ET, Halpern-Felsher B, Werts M, Chaffee BW

Fentanyl in Pressed Oxycodone Pills: A Qualitative Analysis of Online Community Experiences with an Emerging Drug Trend.

Substance use & misuse

Arya S, Nagappala S, Krawczyk N, Gi Y, Meacham MC, Bunting AM
