Tobacco Center Faculty Blog

March 29, 2015

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Julia Belluz of Vox Media published an excellent story summing up the hyper-aggressive social media presence that e-cigarette advocates have mounted against anyone with the temerity to question the unrestricted use of e-cigarettes.
She did a particularly nice job of describing attacks on the California Department of Public Health’s new educational campaign.
No doubt they will be going after the CDC next, as it launches ads warning against dual use of e-cigs and cigarettes.
You can read her story here.

March 29, 2015

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

E-cigarette enthusiasts, particularly from the UK, have consistently minimized the possibility that e-cigarette use was increasing among kids and that e-cigarette use would predict later smoking.
Graham Moore and colleagues recently published “E-cigarette use and intentions to smoke among 10-11-year-old never-smokers in Wales,” a carefully done survey of 1500 youth that found that

March 25, 2015

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

From Public Citizen c/o Ellen Shaffer at CPATH:
This leak of TPP investment provisions appears as negotiators report that they are close to an agreement.  The chapter includes provisions regarding corporate rights to file trade challenges against sovereign nations' laws and regulations, including a wide range of public health protections.  The Obama Administration is grasping at a PR campaign to convince progressives that the TPP fulfills candidate Obama's pledge in 2008  to re-negotiate NAFTA - !!  Best, Ellen Shaffer
For Immediate Release:                                         Contact: Symone Sanders (202) 454-5108
March 25, 2015                                                      Lori Wallach (202) 454-5107, [email protected]
TPP Leak Reveals Extraordinary New Powers for Thousands of Foreign Firms to Challenge U.S. Policies and Demand Taxpayer Compensation
Unveiling of Parallel Legal System for Foreign Corporations Will Fuel TPP Controversy, Further Complicate Obama’s Push for Fast Track

March 24, 2015

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Hollywood and Tobacco: New Spotlight on Smoking At The Movies
Launch of Revamped UCSF Website Ranks Actors, Directors, Top 10 Movies by Their Use of Tobacco 
UC San Francisco is launching a revamped Smokefree Movies website that offers the public unusual insight into Hollywood’s role in the global tobacco epidemic, projected to kill one billion people this century.
Updated every week, the site ranks film producers, directors, writers and actors by their on-screen tobacco footprint based on a database of more than 2,000 films released since 2002.
The site currently lists the five “smokiest” actors, directors, and producers since 2002 as:
Actors                                                               Directors                                                     Producers
Leonardo DiCaprio                                       Martin Scorsese                                        Grant Heslov
J.K. Simmons                                                George Clooney                                         George Clooney
Vince Vaughn                                                 Clint Eastwood                                           Scott Rudin

March 23, 2015

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Lucy England and colleagues at the CDC Office on Smoking and Health recently published an important paper, "Nicotine and the Developing Human: A Neglected Element in the Electronic Cigarette Debate," in American Journal of Preventive Medicine.  This paper makes the important point that, contrary to glib assertions e-cigarette enthusiasts make that "it is the tar not the nicotine in cigarettes that kills people" they add to case that nicotine, while not the only dangerous thing in cigarettes, is nonetheless dangerous.
Here is the abstract of their paper:
