November 30, 2011

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Secondhand smoke reduces quality of life for people with heart failure

We just published a study of 205 people with heart failure in which we related measures of how well they could complete physical tasks and measures of emotional well being and found that there was a dose-response relationship between the amount of secondhand smoke that they were exposed to and reduced scores on these measures.  The bottom line: Even low levels of secondhand smoke have adverse effects on people with heart failure.  Physicians (and everyone else) should advise people with heart failure and their families to avoid secondhand smoke. Read the paper in Archives of Internal Medicine by clicking here.



I would have though that the principal adverse effect on people with heart failure was... heart failure.


That's the point of the paper.


As someone who likes to actually research the "sources" for broad statements, I would like to read the study upon which your pronouncemnt is based. However, one must purchase it in order to read anything more than a summary.
Not exactly a free and open discussion.
Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever, worked for any Tobacco related industry.

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