Robert Hiatt, MD


Primarily focused on cancer epidemiology and studies of cancer etiology, early development, the environment and social determinants.  Dr.

Timothy Carmody, PhD


Dr. Carmody's work focuses on the treatment of nicotine dependence in adult chronic smokers. Dr. Carmody has several professional interests in the field of behavioral medicine, including treatment of nicotine dependence, chronic pain, behavioral factors in coronary heart disease, and obesity/weight management.  His primary interest is in the treatment of nicotine dependence in adult chronic smokers. 

Dorie Apollonio, PhD, MPP

Clinical Pharmacy
Dr. Dorie Apollonio is a Professor of health policy in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco focusing on tobacco control and policy making. Her research considers the role of scientific evidence and interest group lobbying in decision making on public health. This work uses multiple data sources including internal industry documents, campaign finance reports, administrative datasets, and interviews, and relies on both qualitative and quantitative methods to identify how policy affecting public health is made.
