Danielle Ramo-Larios, PhD
Dr. Danielle Ramo is Associate Professor in Residence and licensed psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCSF. She directs the Research on Addictions and Digital Interventions lab (readi.ucsf.edu), and co-directs the Psychiatry Digital Health Core (http://psychdhc.ucsf.edu). Her research program focuses on using digital media to understand and address risky drug and alcohol use. Dr. Ramo has developed the Tobacco Status Project social media intervention to help young adults quit smoking, and is leading three clinical trials testing the efficacy of social media-mediated treatment to reduce substance use in young adults. Additional studies are examining patterns and toxicology of electronic-cigarette use in adolescents and tobacco and marijuana co-use in a changing policy landscape. Her research has demonstrated the high prevalence of tobacco and marijuana co-use, associations between co-use and smoking, and differences in motivation and thoughts about abstinence for the two substances in co-users. Her funding includes awards from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (K23, R34, R21), and the California Tobacco-Related Diseases Research Program (fellowship, High Impact Project awards).
Dedicated to teaching and mentoring, Dr. Ramo serves as program faculty for the NIDA-funded Substance Abuse Treatment and Services Research Training Program and the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Postdoctoral Fellowship in the UCSF School of Medicine. She also directs the smoking cessation curriculum for the UCSF Medical School.
Dr. Ramo serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Being Adept prevention intervention program (Beingadept.org), and regularly speaks to teens, parents, and school administrators throughout the Bay Area about adolescent substance abuse.
Dr. Ramo obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University, doctoral training at the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University, and postdoctoral training in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSF.