Dorie Apollonio, PhD, MPP

Clinical Pharmacy
+1 415 502-1942
Dr. Dorie Apollonio is a Professor of health policy in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco focusing on tobacco control and policy making. Her research considers the role of scientific evidence and interest group lobbying in decision making on public health. This work uses multiple data sources including internal industry documents, campaign finance reports, administrative datasets, and interviews, and relies on both qualitative and quantitative methods to identify how policy affecting public health is made. She is trained as a quantitative methodologist and survey researcher and has extensive experience in research design and analysis. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals in multiple fields, including public health, political science, policy, and law.

Interactive associations of cannabis and alcohol outlet densities with assault injuries in California: A spatiotemporal analysis.

American journal of epidemiology

Matthay EC, Charris R, Ahern J, Apollonio DE, Jent V, Jacobs LM, Jung S, Schmidt LA, Gruenewald P

Assessment of PrEP and PEP furnishing in San Francisco Bay Area pharmacies; an observational cross-sectional study.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Herron G, Leong A, Patel K, Rasekhi K, Apollonio DE

Associations of Local Cannabis Control Policies With Harmful Cannabis Exposures Reported to the California Poison Control System.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Matthay EC, Mousli LM, Sun C, Lewis J, Jacobs LM, Heard S, Ho R, Schmidt LA, Apollonio DE

Reported exposures to derived cannabis products in California before and after the 2018 federal reclassification of hemp.

The International journal on drug policy

Madan K, Schmidt S, Chami RF, Ho R, Lewis JC, Apollonio DE

Retail chain pharmacy opioid dispensing practices from 1997 to 2020: A content analysis of internal industry documents.

Drug and alcohol dependence reports

Chiu C, Wong A, Chhen J, Roderos AAJ, Apollonio DE

Pharmacist furnishing of hormonal contraception in California's Central Valley.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Azad A, Su J, Nguyen M, Ly M, Wu I, Tracy D, Song A, Apollonio DE

Cannabis industry campaign expenditures in Colorado, 2005-2021.

The International journal on drug policy

Rotering T, Bialous S, Apollonio D

Alignment in local approaches to alcohol and cannabis control policy: A case study of California cities and counties.

The International journal on drug policy

Matthay EC, Mousli L, Apollonio DE, Schmidt LA

Evaluation of a Pharmacist-Linked Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Substance use & misuse

De Los Reyes G, Ng A, Valencia Chavez J, Apollonio DE, Kroon L, Lee P, Vijayaraghavan M

An observational study of the extent of naloxone furnishing in California Central Valley community pharmacies.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Banawis M, Mah G, Mohsin R, Pobre J, Tracy D, Song AV, Apollonio DE

Marketing Antipsychotics to Correctional Facilities: A Review of Pharmaceutical Industry Documents.

Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Apollonio DE

Equity in Coverage of Local Cannabis Control Policies in California, 2020?2021.

American Journal of Public Health

Matthay EC, Mousli LM, Fu C, Zhang S, Ponicki WR, Gruenewald P, Apollonio DE, Schmidt LA

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive: A Living Digital Repository.

American Journal of Public Health

Caleb Alexander G, Mix LA, Choudhury S, Taketa R, Tomori C, Mooghali M, Fan A, Mars S, Ciccarone D, Patton M, Apollonio DE, Schmidt L, Steinman MA, Greene J, Ling PM, Seymour AK, Glantz S, Tasker K

A Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Association of California City and County Cannabis Policies with Cannabis Outlet Densities.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Matthay EC, Mousli L, Ponicki WR, Glymour MM, Apollonio DE, Schmidt LA, Gruenewald P

A Retrospective Global Assessment of Factors Associated With COVID-19 Policies and Health Outcomes.

Frontiers in public health

Choi AJ, Hean AC, Lee JK, Tran ND, Lin TK, Apollonio DE

Cannabis use prevalence among Baby Boomers before and after implementation of recreational retail sales in California.

Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy

Carlson Z, Pham S, El-Sokkary J, Apollonio DE

A community-based tobacco cessation program for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Addictive behaviors

Hartman-Filson M, Chen J, Lee P, Phan M, Apollonio DE, Kroon L, Donald F, Vijayaraghavan M

Cannabis industry lobbying in the Colorado state legislature in fiscal years 2010-2021.

The International journal on drug policy

Rotering T, Apollonio DE

Changes in California cannabis exposures following recreational legalization and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Roth W, Tam M, Bi C, Kim J, Lewis J, Ho R, Apollonio DE

An observational survey assessing the extent of PrEP and PEP furnishing in San Francisco Bay Area pharmacies.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Bellman R, Mohebbi S, Nobahar N, Parizher J, Apollonio DE

Interventions to reduce tobacco use in people experiencing homelessness.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Vijayaraghavan M, Elser H, Frazer K, Lindson N, Apollonio D

Evaluation of naloxone furnishing community pharmacies in San Francisco.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Nguyen AM, Kearney TE, Apollonio DE

Trends in hydrocodone combination product exposures reported to California Poison Control System (CPCS) following DEA rescheduling.

Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Wu A, Phan C, Nguyen KC, Quindoy M, Lewis J, Apollonio DE

Implementation of hormonal contraceptive furnishing in San Francisco community pharmacies.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Chen L, Lim J, Jeong A, Apollonio DE

Cognitive performance effects of nicotine and industry affiliation: a systematic review.

Substance abuse : research and treatment

Pasetes SV, Ling PM, Apollonio DE

Tobacco industry promotions and pricing after tax increases: An analysis of internal industry documents.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Apollonio DE, Glantz SA

Interventions to reduce tobacco use in people experiencing homelessness.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Maya Vijayaraghavan, Holly Elser, Dorie Apollonio

A Review of Tobacco Policies on University of California Campuses.

Californian Journal of Health Promotion

Huey J, Apollonio DE

Review of Tobacco Policies on University of California Campuses.

Californian Journal of Health Promotion

Jocelyn Huey, Dorie E. Apollonio

Typologies of Party Finance Systems: A Comparative Study of How Countries Regulate Party Finance and Their Institutional Foundations.

Election Law Journal Rules Politics and Policy

David L. Wiltse, Raymond J. La Raja, Dorie E. Apollonio

Pharmacy students can improve access to quality medicines information by editing Wikipedia articles.

BMC medical education

Apollonio DE, Broyde K, Azzam A, De Guia M, Heilman J, Brock T

Untitled Publication

Brock T, Apollonio DE. Paving the desire paths of health information needs: Teaching students to edit Wikipedia. BMC Series blog

The sugar industry's influence on policy.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Kearns C, Schmidt L, Apollonio D, Glantz S

Untitled Publication

Tsoh J, Apollonio DE, Hall S, Vijayaraghvan M, Ramo DE, Ling P, Lempert LL, Glantz SA. FDA’s Nicotine Steering Committee should develop policies, regulations, and procedures that promote cessation and increase the use of proven therapies. US FDA Public Comment, Docket FDA-2018-N-0128.

Untitled Publication

Apollonio DE, Glantz SA, Hall S, Lempert LL, St.Helen G, Tsoh J. The FDA should not adopt the nicotine “harm reduction” paradigm because doing so is likely to increase the amount of smoking-caused disease and death. US FDA Public Comment, Docket FDA-2017-N-6529.

Sustainable Pharmacy: Piloting a Session on Pharmaceuticals, Climate Change, and Sustainability within a U.S. Pharmacy Curriculum.

Innovations in pharmacy

Katherine Gruenberg, Dorie Apollonio, Conan MacDougall, Tina Brock

Interventions for tobacco use cessation in people in treatment for or recovery from substance use disorders.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Apollonio D, Philipps R, Bero L

Minimum Ages of Legal Access for Tobacco in the United States From 1863 to 2015.

American journal of public health

Apollonio DE, Glantz SA

Karma police: Prosecutorial strategies in obscenity cases and the broader cultural war

Syracuse Law and Civic Engagement Forum

Lochner T, Apollonio DE

Political advocacy in pharmacy: challenges and opportunities.

Integrated pharmacy research & practice

Apollonio DE

Term limits and the tobacco industry.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Apollonio DE, Glantz SA, Bero LA

Immigration and Prosecutorial Discretion.

California journal of politics and policy

Apollonio D, Lochner T, Heddens M

Interest Groups.

Dorie E. Apollonio

Wheat from chaff: Third-party monitoring and FEC enforcement actions.

Regulation & Governance

Todd Lochner, Dorie Apollonio, Rhett Tatum

Access and lobbying: Looking beyond the corruption paradigm

Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly

Apollonio DE, Cain BE, Drutman L

Interest Groups, Lobbying, and Deception: The Tobacco Industry and Airline Smoking.

Political science quarterly


Participation and argument in legislative debate on statewide smoking restrictions.

Health research policy and systems

Apollonio DE, Lopipero P, Bero LA

Industry Front Groups: A Tobacco Case Study.

Journal of consumer protection and food safety

D. E. Apollonio, L. A. Bero

Industry front groups: A tobacco case study

Journal of consumer protection and food safety

Apollonio DE, Bero LA

Term Limits, Campaign Contributions, and the Distribution of Power in State Legislatures.

Legislative studies quarterly


Interest Group Advocacy and the Power of "Magic Words".

Election Law Journal Rules Politics and Policy

Dorie E. Apollonio,Margaret A. Carne

Who Gave Soft Money? The Effect of Interest Group Resources on Political Contributions.

The journal of politics

D. E. Apollonio, Raymond J. La Raja

The season of our discontent: Voters’ views on California elections

Public Policy Institute of California

Baldassare MA, Cain BE, Apollonio DE, Cohen JM

Roper Social and Political Trends Data (1973-1994)

Roper Social and Political Trends Data (1973-1994)

Brady HE, Putnam RD, Campbell AL, Elms LE, Yonish S, Apollonio DE

Term limits affect legislators’ fund raising prowess

Public affairs report

La Raja RJ, Apollonio DE

Trends in American political participation, 1973-1994

Trends in American political participation, 1973-1994

Brady HE, Apollonio DE, Elms LE

Hypopigmented sarcoidosis in the negro. Report of eight cases with ultrastructural observations.

The British journal of dermatology

Clayton R, Breathnach A, Martin B, Feiwel M

Citrate synthase.

Current topics in cellular regulation

Weitzman PD, Danson MJ

Task delegation to physician extenders--some comparisons.

American Journal of Public Health

Glenn JK, Goldman J

Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.

Biochemical pharmacology

Schmoldt A, Benthe HF, Haberland G