Pamela Ling, MD, MPH
Dr. Ling studies tobacco industry marketing strategies targeting young adults, women, and other high risk population, and new smokeless and novel tobacco product marketing strategies. She also studies how to use tobacco industry marketing strategies to improve tobacco control programs. Pamela Ling is Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco, where she conducts research on tobacco, media, and social marketing to young people. Her work includes analyses of thousands of previously secret tobacco industry documents detailing marketing strategies targeting young adults, and translating the lessons learned to improve tobacco control efforts. Dr. Ling has special interest in young adult smoking patterns and counter-engineering tobacco industry marketing, the global proliferation of U.S. tobacco marketing strategies, marketing to women, smokeless and novel tobacco marketing including e-cigarettes, and using market research to guide clinical and public health interventions. Dr. Ling’s clinical work is in general internal medicine; she has special interest in caring for underserved urban populations.