JAMA internal medicine

The high price of the new hepatitis C virus drugs.

JAMA internal medicine

Steinbrook R, Redberg RF

Developing methods for less is more.

JAMA internal medicine

Katz MH, Grady D, Redberg RF

When is it better not to know everything?

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

Response to "Mandatory anesthesia"--reply.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

Health policy update 2014: another exciting and turbulent year ahead.

JAMA internal medicine

Wilensky GR, Redberg RF

Response to "Mandatory anesthesia"--reply.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

Health policy update 2014: another exciting and turbulent year ahead.

JAMA internal medicine

Wilensky GR, Redberg RF

When is it better not to know everything?

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

A longitudinal analysis of electronic cigarette use and smoking cessation.

JAMA internal medicine

Grana RA, Popova L, Ling PM
