JAMA internal medicine

A longitudinal analysis of electronic cigarette use and smoking cessation.

JAMA internal medicine

Grana RA, Popova L, Ling PM

How should top-five lists be developed?: what is the next step?

JAMA internal medicine

Grady D, Redberg RF, Mallon WK

How should top-five lists be developed?: what is the next step?

JAMA internal medicine

Grady D, Redberg RF, Mallon WK

Talking about patient preferences.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

Talking about patient preferences.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF

Statins and musculoskeletal adverse events--reply.

JAMA internal medicine

Katz MH, Redberg RF

Medication regimen adherence and patient outcomes.

JAMA internal medicine

Redberg RF
