September 25, 2014

Stanton A. Glantz, PhD

Sneak Preview Available for new UCSF Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

From the UCSF Legacy Tobacco Documents Library:
For the past year we have been developing a new LTDL with expanded functionality and an updated look.  We would like your help in testing the beta site so we can iron out the wrinkles as we continue to add new features. 
If you’re curious, click here to go to the Industry Documents Digital Library, the portal to both LTDL and the Drug Industry Document Archive.  You can search for tobacco documents from the portal.
You might want to start by watching the tutorial, also accessible from the Tutorial Videos link at the bottom of each page, or you can plunge right in and see how intuitive the site is.
Please keep track of any problems you encounter and let us know about them on the survey, also accessible at the top of the home page. We need to know what you love and hate about the site.
Remember, this is an unfinished site.  We know that there are certain parts that are not working as they should (PDFs larger than 25MB will not open in the document viewer and the cc: in email Saved Documents/Search History isn’t operable) and there are a few things in the current LTDL that are not available yet (downloading document records and the document excerpt in search results).
We hope you enjoy using this beta site ( as much as we do and please remember to give us your feedback about what’s useful, broken or desired.
Kim Klausner
Industry Documents Digital Library Manager
University of California, San Francisco
530 Parnassus Avenue, Room 512
San Francisco, CA 94143-0840
(415) 514-0507



Great videos on how to search tobacco & pharma industry documents at UCSF <a class="twitter-timeline-link" data-expanded-url=" dir="ltr" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="… The beta site is at <a class="twitter-timeline-link" data-expanded-url="" dir="ltr" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="";

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