December 23, 2014
Stanton A. Glantz, PhD
Alaska takes the lead on educating the public about e-cigarettes
Kudos to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services for mounting the first media campaign (at least that I know of) designed to educate the public about the fact that e-cigarettes are not just "harmless water vapor."
You can see the ad here.
They are also featuring a link to information on e-cigarettes on the home page for the state quit line.
Their detaled fact sheet is here.
Educating people, including youth, that e-cigarettes are not just harmless watervapor is very important since thinking that they are safe is a major reason that nonsmoking kids start using them.
I can only hope that Governor Jerry Brown will let California, once a leader in tobacco control media, can catch up to Alaska.
And every other state -- and the CDC -- and other countries should get permission from Alaska to just use the ad.
It is simple and to the point.
e-cigs ad
Finally an ad that tells it like it is. Let's hope other public health agencies will get their heads out of the harm reduction cloud and see e-cigs for what they really are.
More excellent ecig educational materials from Alaska
Four new resources:
<li;A version of TV ad in my original posting with an alternative narrator voice (better for adults) [/sites/g/files/tkssra4661/f/u9/411_ecig_Ad%201.mp4" target="_blank";download here]</li;
<li;An ad focusing on the fact that Big Tobacco is selling e-cigs, too [" target="_blank";on YouTube]</li;
<li;Two educational posters (/sites/g/files/tkssra4661/f/u9/0618_TPC_E-CigAd%20Nov%202014.pdf" target="_blank";poster 1; /sites/g/files/tkssra4661/f/u9/0654_TPC_CloudPoster_11X17Vertical%281%29.pdf" target="_blank";poster 2)</li;
All the other states should be begging Alaska to use these excellent materials.
They are science-based and speak to the most important misconception people -- young people -- have about e-cigs ... that they are "harmless water vapor."
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