Amy Byers, PhD, MPH
Dr. Byers is an epidemiologist with a background in aging research, methods, and biostatistics. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of late-life mental health and employs advanced epidemiological and biostatistical techniques to determine the prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of late-life mental health disorders with the objective of reducing the burden of these disorders by informing long-term clinical care. As a clinical epidemiologist studying geropsychiatry with an expertise in mathematical epidemiology, Dr. Byers has been heavily involved in research to determine nationally representative estimates of psychiatric disorders and health care utilization among older community-dwelling adults.
Carolyn Calfee, MD
Effects of active and passive smoking on susceptibility to acute lung injury, a major cause of respiratory failure in critically ill patients.
Timothy Carmody, PhD
Behavioral medicine, including treatment of nicotine dependence, chronic pain, behavioral factors in coronary heart disease, and obesity/weight management.
Benjamin Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD
Understand how behaviors, biological attributes, and social circumstances influence health and disease distributions, often inequitably, across populations.
Iona Cheng, PhD, MPH
Examining the role of biological, lifestyle, environmental, and neighborhood factors in relation to cancer risk with an emphasis on understanding racial/ethnic differences in risk.
Jing Cheng, MD, MS, PhD
Assessment of the impact of tobacco use on health outcomes and healthcare expenditures.
Beth Cohen, MD, MA
Dr. Cohen is an internist and clinical investigator whose research focuses on health outcomes in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. She is Principal Investigator of the Mind Your Heart Study, a prospective cohort study designed to examine the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on cardiovascular health.
Robin Corelli, PharmD
Tobacco cessation education and training to estimate the impact of approaches for generating community pharmacy-based referrals to tobacco cessation telephone quitlines.
Kevin Delucchi, PhD
Statistical methods for analysis of quantitative data including clinical trials of treatments for smoking cessation.